The plant that I have in front of our house has no leaves now but it's full of fruits. I am not sure what kind of tree is this but they are really pretty. The leaves and the fruits makes it so perfect for Ruby Tuesday.
I took these shots after the rainy day last Friday.Tuesday, November 30, 2010
After the Rain
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Chubskulit Rose
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
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Monday, November 29, 2010
New Christmas Tree
We went to Sears last Wednesday to look for a new Christmas tree. Hubby got tired of our white x-mas tree so he said that we need to buy a new one. We chose this Twilight tree with LED lights because it is suppose to be an energy efficient.
We let our daughter decide which one should we buy and that's what she picked. We all liked it so we bought it.
We decorated it today. I'll post the photos next time.
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Chubskulit Rose
Monday, November 29, 2010
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Christmas decor
Holiday Decorating
For the last couple of days, I spent my time decorating our humble abode for the holiday. The kids helped me decorating our newly bought Christmas tree. Please disregard the big bow on the tree, it doesn't belong there lol..
The kids love the new tree as it has a rotator motor that you can plug in. You can see it in the video below.
While my daughter and I were busy decorating the tree, my son was also busy doing his own thing lol. He was playing with his holiday train given by his Aunt Chris, thanks Tita.
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Chubskulit Rose
Monday, November 29, 2010
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holiday celebrations
Santa's Ski Slope
My sister in law, gave us her Santa Ski Slope which you can attach to your Christmas tree. Since our tree is rotating, we did not put it there. We did however assembled it just so the kids can play with it. This activity somehow give them the sense of going to ski resort hehehe. They watch and play with this ski slope over and over again. If you will come to our home today, you will see how happy my son playing with this ski slope.
Here is the video of these two.
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Chubskulit Rose
Monday, November 29, 2010
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Christmas decor
For some, it's just an ordinary steps, but for us, it is a big part especially with my kids' milestones. We used to live in this house, so part of their memories was created on this house. They learned how to climbed here.
So every time we visit Pap, we always find time to play in these steps.
You can tell that my kids can't sit still. Our photos are blurry lol..
Posted by
Chubskulit Rose
Monday, November 29, 2010
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mommy and me
Friday, November 26, 2010
Photos were taken at the Pittsburgh Zoo. Enjoy the different kinds of snakes.
Can you see the red snake at the back of that plant?
I wonder how snake could sleep curled up n top of those branches?
Below is a spotted pyton.
He was moving a lot so this shot was a little blurry.
Just a shot of the tail.
Can you see the red snake at the back of that plant?
I wonder how snake could sleep curled up n top of those branches?
Below is a spotted pyton.
He was moving a lot so this shot was a little blurry.
Just a shot of the tail.
Of all the critters, snake is the one I am scared of. I had an experience of being chased by a snake when I was still a kid. My faher used to take care a huge rice field and he would take us every time he works. One time he asked me to check the scare crow and I saw the top the rice plant's leaves moving. When I investigate, the snake hisss at me and I ran and yelled for help. Luckily, Papa was nearby and he killed the snake with his machete.
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Chubskulit Rose
Friday, November 26, 2010
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Camera Critters
November 15 - 19 was the celebration of CAtholic School Awareness Week. They celebrated it through showing their SPIRIT and LOVE for their school by having a "Spirit Week" filled with different ways for both teachers and students to show their charisma and excitement!

MONDAY was a SILLY SOCK DAY - They wore silly, unmatched socks with their school uniform, it was just plain silly.
TUESDAY was a CRAZY HAIR/HAT DAY - Since St. Joe's is no ordinary school, they show their craziest hair or funniest hat. Some students colored their hair and some wore big hats. I braided Rylie's hair the night before and brushed it up in the morning.
WEDNESDAY - WE ARE THE BEST!! - Showed that they are the best by dressing to IMPRESS! They wore their Sunday's best which means that no jeans or sweatpants. They stepped out on their finest!!!
THURSDAY - BOX TOPS - to show that they are at the top of the list of "Best Schools". They brought all the box tops labels they have collected. Each class has a goal of 35 pieces but Rylie brought 51 pieces alone. Thanks for the contribution of Jen, Chris, and Dad in clipping and collecting their box tops labels.
FRIDAY - SCHOOL SPIRIT DAY - Go all out in their favorite St. Joseph apparel. Free Dress ... Rylie worn her school hoodie, it's a bit big for her but that's the smallest size we can get. She can't even wear the sweatpants that matches the hoodie. She didn't want to wear this, she said that it's not fashionable lol..
Have a happy Thanksgiving day celebration everyone!
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Chubskulit Rose
Friday, November 26, 2010
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rylie's school
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Rainy Thanksgiving
Good morning everyone, just a quick update here. I am doing some lumpia to bring to my FIL's home. We will be celebrating Thanksgiving there. Hubby checked the weather online and it's going to be a rainy Thanksgiving. Oh well, it's thanksgiving so we can't really complain lol..
These photos were taken a couple of days ago when we went to visit Dad.It's been gloomy this week and today the rain will pour. Well, it's actually pouring now.
Enjoy the rest of the day folks and thanks for visiting.
An art made by our daughter from her school.
Happy Thanksgiving to US residents and have a nice day to all!
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Chubskulit Rose
Thursday, November 25, 2010
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Sky Watch Friday,
Monday, November 22, 2010
Washer and Dryer
Some of you might have read the article I posted about our washing machine which kept having problem lately. My husband and I browsed for some solutions about the said problem online. We found some answers to the same problem we had. Thanks God for the Internet as it saves us money. Hubby fixed it himself through the suggestions online.
When we bought our washer and dryer, we decided to get an HE or high efficiency set because it is suppose to be a high end. What it doesn't tell you though is that there is a manual at the bottom of each machine to tell you want to do just in case of malfunction. I think this is one strategy from the retailer so that they could charge you a whopping amount just in case of malfunction.
Please don't mind my goofy pose there while doing laundry hahaha.
Anyhow, we thought we couldn't fix it so we made some window shopping at Lowe's that day and was mesmerized by this set lol.
Have a happy Ruby Tuesday everyone!
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Chubskulit Rose
Monday, November 22, 2010
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ruby tuesday
Friday, November 19, 2010
Below is the prize I got for leaving a comment from one of the blogs I have visited a couple of months ago. I actually did not know that the post I commented was a giveaway post and I got lucky to win some prizes.. Oh it is so nice to have a prize by just leaving a comment isn't it?
he birds at our backyard will be very happy for this. A set of stars would be a good display in a bathroom or a Christmas ornament maybe?
I always appreciate your comments and visit guys, so even if I am not running any promotion or contest, your thoughts are always appreciated!
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Chubskulit Rose
Friday, November 19, 2010
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Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Happy Birthday Clang Dear!
The beautiful wife of Yochan has celebrated her birthday yesterday. Sorry for this delayed post Clang dearest, I got occupied yesterday. I wish you and your family the best of health. May your wishes come true soon.. another baby maybe? I am sure that you had a very lovely celebration yesterday! You may pay this lovely lady a visit through clicking the badge below.
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Chubskulit Rose
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
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birthday celebration
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