Hello everyone, I just had now the time to open my PC and do some reading of your comments, thanks a lot! We were out the whole day. We went to the mall, grocery store, and visited Dad Pooch. When we came back, we got busy with the pumpkin that we bought. This is our first time to carve, we didn't do it from the previous years because the kids were still small and wouldn't be able to grasp the concept of the activity.
Now that they can participate, we tried and we had so much fun!
Rylie designed one of the pumpkins and hubby did the other one. After he cut out the head/top, Rylie removed the seeds and other stuff while Mommy was busy taking photos.
Rylie wanted to carve a pumpkin that looks like Sandy (the squirrel from Sponge Bob), so she drew a face with buck teeth in it lol..Do this looks like Halloween? Lol!
The youngest burrito tried to help too.
But he said, it's too hard lol!
What can you expect when Daddy goofs around? The daughter also goofs around.. LOL!
Today is very special to us since this is our first pumpkin carving and also the 10-10-10. We were also blessed with warm weather for a couple of days now so thank God for that. Have a lovely start of the week, hope everyone had a blessed Sunday!