I am still catching up with my posting as I got behind when my PC crashed. Here are more photos that I should have posted weeks ago. Both of the Burritos have received something that they could use for "hunting". Mr. Burrito got a Bow and Arrow from Jen's family and Ms. Burrito had a Cross Bow from Santa. I feel bad though because they sometimes hunt Bolt (our dog) when they are playing "hunting in the jungle". It doesn't hurt but it scares that poor little fella.

Santa has been so generous, he left a big bag of presents for them. These two clashes with each other sometimes but most of the time they are good buddies especially when doing arts in crafts.

Santa has been so generous, he left a big bag of presents for them. These two clashes with each other sometimes but most of the time they are good buddies especially when doing arts in crafts.