Human life is a remarkable mixture of that famous "smile and a tear." We all have our ups and downs in life. We attend both weddings and funerals. Parents witness graduation and often the failures of their children as well. Married life can be like the smell of roses and turn into a nightmare. Young people are successful todayand can be turned down tomorrow. Friends may disappoint us and we may witness infidelity not only in our government but even in our church. All these may leave us confused and downcast. What are we to do. Are we to give up our faith in God?
This is yesterday's reflection from the church my dear friends. I know that most of us are so busy with our daily lives trying to meet both ends meet that sometimes we forget our Sunday obligation of going to Church. But it doesn't mean that we don't really have time for God. For me it's not really important that we go to Church regularly as long as we believe that in our lives there's GOD. Prayer for me is the most important, because you can do it even at work or wherever you are. Just don't forget to include a minute of your time to talk to HIM if possible!