This was Originally posted on June 15, 2008 - S. Korea
It's a great celebration to thank our Fathers for everything that they have done for us, CHEERS! I'm just a little sad that my father isn't around anymore, but thanks a lot Papa and I love YOU! We hope that you are happy with where you are now.
It's a great celebration to thank our Fathers for everything that they have done for us, CHEERS! I'm just a little sad that my father isn't around anymore, but thanks a lot Papa and I love YOU! We hope that you are happy with where you are now.
We celebrated the occasion by going to church first and then after the mass we proceeded to Turtle Cove and enjoyed the festive meal. We decided to go driving around and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Korea. Then we came back home, the kids surprised their Dad with their present - a TEA Maker. My husband loves iced tea so it's a perfect gift for him since we did not bring his tea maker when we came here. We spent the rest of the day playing outside. It was simple but quite a memory to treasure with.
Happy Father's day to all the Great Dads in the World!