We started our Christmas celebration by attending a party from our neighbor's house yesterday. They had so many food, most were Filipino foods, Ate Lelet gave me some to take home too. I forgot my fave gadget so there's no pic he he he. Our day ended by attending a mass at 9 pm. Before the mass started, there was a Christmas presentation performed by selected children from the base. Here are some of the photos I snapped.

So there was our Christmas... How about you guys, how did you celebrate the yuletide season? Nothing can beat the feeling of celebrating Christmas with your family, with or without gifts as long as the family are together, its always good!

Before Rylie went to bed last night, she put cookies for Santa. When I got done cleaning the kitchen, I went to her room so I can give her a good night kiss but she wasn't there. I looked in the bathroom none, I checked our bedroom and EJ's bedroom and I didn't find her so I panicked and woke my husband up. We found her at the couch sleeping..... She tried to sneak in, just so she would see if Santa would come really he he he.. But anyhow, when they woke up this morning, they had fun opening their presents...

Here she is with the scooter she asked from Santa..

Here's EJ busy with his new car collections with Dad helping him.. BOYS!