Hello everyone, howdy? My daughter and I just finished our lesson for today. We focused on her counting and familiarized herself with each number. She knows how to count but if you ask her a certain number with two digits, she find it hard to identify them. She learned a lot today but we still have to go with it over and over again to master it.
Sometimes I forgot that I am teaching a 5 year old and I am being so hard on her. I salute all the teachers who patiently teaches children, it takes a lot of passion to be a good teacher. I don't think I could do it as a profession as I don't have much patience.
On the other note, I mentioned yesterday that both hubby and son are sick. I wasn't able to sleep good last night because my son was pretty much affected with his cold. After eating breakfast today, they both went back to bed and when they woke up, they both feel a little better.
These shots were taken yesterday when we visited my father-in-law. Every time these three are sitting together, I always took pictures of them so that when my son grow up, he would see how close the three of them were.
Thank you all so much once again for always dropping by and for leaving your valuable comments.