Sunday, July 17, 2011

Bubble Wrap Fun

When Ms. Burrito received the packages for her birthday, she was so happy. Mr. Burrito on the other hand was very happy because he get to play with the big bubble wrap that was inside the bxes.
They were laughing when I sat on one and popped   out that sounded like a fart lol.
After the fun, Mommy cleaned up the mess.
Thanks for visiting!

Vacation Bible School 2011

We are so glad that our son, Mr. Burrito, has joined the Vacation Bible School this year. He wasn't up for it last year. Today is the third day and he is enjoying it although he hesitated to go this morning but I encouraged him to go anyway.

The photos below was taken during the  first day  (Monday).
We just walked them down there as we live close by the school.
As soon as he entered the school facilities, Mr. Burrito was okay.
They are wearing the bandana that was given to them.
Ms. Burrito was so excited and happy to see her  friends from school.
We  arrived early so we  got to register first.
I really like the close knit  community atmosphere of  my daughter's school.
