Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Cherry Tree Blooms

The cherry tree at the back of my father-in-law's house has bloomed already. I took these shots last Sunday during our Easter gathering.
The birds love this tree during summer time when the fruits are riping already.
Thank you everyone for visiting, for leaving your thoughts, and for being a constant online acquaintance and friend!

Splash of Orange

Both daughter and husband were off from school yesterday so we went to Starvaggi Park to lessen up the stress we have about Dave's surgery.  The splash of Orange colors in the park gave us  hope about the family's ordeal.
I realized yesterday how time flies and how life  is short sometimes for some people.  So it is always great to enjoy every  bit of it.  
Last year, my daughter  wasn't able to use this orange skort because it was way too big for her but yesterday I realized that she is growing up fast!  Soon she would be bigger than me.  
I have tasks to write yesterday but I  set it aside and went to the park instead.  Family is what we should always prioritize.
Today, my daughter came home from school with a certificate from her teacher.  She won their spelling  exercise and she is very proud about it, WE are too! I am so proud of her progress in school, she knows how to read very well now, can add and subtract,  and she is also getting so good with spelling.  I can still remember when I was still teaching her how to write her name, read the alphabet, and do some math problem.  We did not enroll her in pre-school so my husband and were basically her reading and   writing tutors.  
I am so glad and thankful that I got to be her first teacher.  Being a stay-at-home-mom is a blessing and I am very thankful about it.  I also would like to thank all of you who include my brother-in-law in your prayers.  His surgery went well but he is still in a lot of pain and under observation in the hospital.  In behalf of the  Cottrill clan, thank you all so much!
