Saturday, September 1, 2012

Exhausted Kiddos

 School can be exciting and at the same time exhausting.  Look what happened to my little boy and girl.  I was  cooking in the kitchen and when I returned to the living room to check on my son who  was watching TV, he fell asleep on top of the coffee table.
Ms. Burrito got so exhausted too on the second day.  She  laid on the couch  when she came home and fell asleep.  
Now, the two went to school that's why they were tired, I wonder why Bolt is  tired too?  Lol.

The downside of  the kids going to school is the fact that they catches sickness very easily.  Both of them got  a cold  on the first week.

Alrighty folks, let me leave you  this golden rule that Ms. Burrito took home from school.
