Okay let's play a little trick here. Can you make a guess what made my children faces look like these, wide eyed and bulgy cheeks? Can you tell what's inside the treat basket? Tell me what you think okay?
These pictures were taken last year's Halloween. The outfit were made by my sister in law Crystal who love sewing costumes and other stuff. We miss you Chris!

Here's us trick or treating in the neighborhood.

Tried out the hair wigs that Shelby (hubby's niece Jen's daughter) used as part of her Halloween costume. Taken at my dad in law's house.

These pictures were taken 2 years ago. The tiger outfit was also made by my sister in law. I was 6 months preggy here with my son.

Halloween is a fun holiday that the whole family enjoys. We're going to miss my husband's family back home. We'll see guys next year. We're missing and love you so much!