Here are some of the pictures of our daughter and the other kids when they had their first practice at the ball field. I am so proud with Rylie because she really listened to the coach when he was giving them instructions. I found it odd and funny that most of the boys were hugging on to their mom/dad and didn't want to participate. My daughter just ran on the ball field as if she had been doing it for a long time. She actually did very good in kicking the ball. Tomorrow will be her next practice. We missed the last one because we didn't know they had it on Wednesdays too, we thought its only on Mondays. My son was protesting because he wanted to participate too but he's too little, he was running around grabbing the ball, we had a blast!
Rylie was observing everybody before she jumped in.

Here's Rylie getting ready for her turn to kick.... 

Do you see the lil' boy who doesn't wanna let go of his Mom (bottom pic) and the other boy sitting behind his dad (top pic)?
Thais Marie and Rylie in action!

Here's my Son EJ in action too.. Since he can't have the ball, he just grab the cone lol!

I'm so proud of you Rylie, go for it!