Here are the roses in our garden. This yellow one is planted at the back. when I planted this two years ago, I thought that it wasn't going to live because it was already dried out when I bought it on a reduced price. I gave it a try and she did live. When I came back from Korea, she is so tall and giving us so many blooms.
I took different shots on different angles, I just love capturing the beauty of this rose.
I took these shots last week after the rain had stop.
I love the scent of this pink rose planted at the side of our back porch. I got this from my father-in-law's garden two years ago.
I bought this on a reduce price too when we just transferred to our home. I planted this in front of our house. This is an attention catcher as it blooms a lot.
I love this one, although it doesn't grow very good. I planted this together with the yellow one but this one is still on the ground while the yellow is so tall. Despite of the height, this has a lot of buds too but my dear Chelsea ate most of them and only one has left.
My FIL gave me two pots of miniature roses the other day and I planted it in front of our house. Hopefully it will grow. Dad said it will because he thinks I have a "green finger.. he meant green thumb". But let us see.