Saturday, August 2, 2014

Ocean City, July 2014

Seeing my children enjoyed the water in Ocean City reminds me of my childhood. I grew up in a coastal area so most of the times, kids swim in the ocean when it is calm and safe. Kids over there pretty much learn how to swim by themselves.  We don't have to go through swimming lessons because it is part of our survival living in the  coastal area.  
I did not have  any fancy things growing up but I experienced fun things that my kids are not fortunate to have  living  in a modern world.  Simple living  to me is the bomb in learning  many things.
Gadgets did not exist in my childhood.  We did not even have a TV in our home but our childhood was  very normal.  We pretty much enjoy whatever is around us.
I am glad that although, we are  living  far from the ocean, we can afford to  go to one once in a while and let them experience the  joy of  things away from gadgets and stuff.
I am glad that my children enjoy even the simplest things like going on a creek and trying to catch cray fish.  You know just for experience.  A lot of kids are not interested anymore in doing those kind of activities.
Our son was fearless in the water.  He is not scared to go under the waves lol.
I miss the ocean ever since I came here but I am not really into  swimming in it.  I'd rather swim in the pool than in the ocean.
So yeah, our trip to Maryland was a fun-filled family trip that I hope my  children will always remember when  they grow up.
I hope that when I am gone and they somehow look through my blog posts and read them, that they would feel joy in their hearts.
We are not rich but we  d our best to  make our children's childhood worthwhile.  I think that is what matters the most.  I always tell them that  even though we can't afford a lot of things that they want, we love them!
