We attended a Christmas party for the whole base last Friday but I wasn't able to post this right away, I been busy doing stuff here and there. But anyhow, it was good, not really great but good. Each sailors received some presents and the kids got to sit on Santa's lap and was given gifts too. Dinner was served at six before Santa arrived so we got to eat before the kids got cranky hehehe.. hare are some of the snapshots.
Here was Santa arriving in front of Turtle Cove's entrance Door. The kids were thrilled but not my son. He was scared of him. We tried to let him sit in his lap but he freaked out lol...
Here's where EJ freaked out hahaha....
Here they are, opening the presents that Santa gave to them.

On the way out, we tried to convince EJ again to take a pic with Santa but there's no luck lol...

Santa handing candy canes... My daughter was the littlest one trying to participate.

Here are the presents tadahhhhhhhhhh... Thanks Santa!
Good night everyone, it is 3 am here already, gosh.. I have to go to work tomorrow so I'll visit you back tomorrow night. Thanks for dropping by and commenting. God bless y'all people and happy blogging!