Friday, November 26, 2010


Photos were taken at the Pittsburgh Zoo.  Enjoy the different kinds of snakes.
 Can you see the red snake at the back of that plant?
 I wonder how snake could sleep curled up n top of those branches?
 Below is a spotted pyton.
 He was moving a lot so this shot was a little blurry.
 Just a shot of the tail.
Of all the critters, snake is the one I am scared of.  I had an experience of being chased by a snake  when I was still a kid.  My faher used to take care a  huge  rice field and he would take us every time  he works.  One time he asked me to  check the scare crow and I saw the top the rice plant's leaves  moving.  When I investigate, the snake  hisss at me and I  ran and yelled for help.  Luckily, Papa was nearby and he killed the snake with his machete.  


November 15 - 19 was the celebration of CAtholic School Awareness Week.   They celebrated it through showing their SPIRIT and LOVE for their  school by having a "Spirit Week" filled with different ways for both teachers and students  to show their  charisma and excitement! 
Our Weekend Memoirs
MONDAY was a  SILLY SOCK DAY - They wore  silly, unmatched socks with their school uniform, it was  just plain silly.
TUESDAY was a  CRAZY HAIR/HAT DAY - Since St. Joe's is no ordinary school, they show their  craziest hair or funniest hat.   Some students  colored their hair  and some wore big hats.  I braided Rylie's hair the night before and brushed it up  in the morning.
WEDNESDAY - WE ARE THE BEST!! - Showed that they are the best by dressing to IMPRESS! They wore their  Sunday's  best which means that  no jeans or sweatpants. They stepped out on their finest!!!
THURSDAY - BOX TOPS -  to show that they are at the top of the list of "Best Schools".   They brought all the box tops labels they have  collected.  Each class has a goal of 35 pieces  but Rylie  brought 51 pieces alone.  Thanks for the contribution of Jen, Chris, and Dad  in clipping and collecting their box tops labels.

FRIDAY - SCHOOL SPIRIT DAY - Go all out in their  favorite St. Joseph apparel. Free Dress ... Rylie worn her  school hoodie, it's a bit big  for her but that's the smallest size we can get.  She can't even wear the sweatpants that matches the  hoodie.  She didn't want to wear this, she said that it's not fashionable lol..

Have a happy Thanksgiving day celebration everyone!
