Hello there everyone, how is the Halloween going on in your side. I was pretty busy this morning. Hubby was cooking our breakfast when I got up, thanks Hon. After we ate and clean up the dishes, I started cleaning the house (vacuuming the floor, polishing the furniture, and keep the mess in order). Whoa, that was a nice work out for me. Now I am fresh and clean but still doing laundry though lol..
Oh oh I almost forgot, this post is about Camera Critters hahaha, I'm sorry folks for blahberring so much here. It is Halloween so I am sharing the spiders that I took in different occasions. Spider is one of my husband's big fear, I could not believe it when he told me that he is scared of spiders lol. In the Philippines, we play with spiders like a pet (but not the poisonous ones).

Have a horrorific Halloween everyone.