Whew, I am relieved, the world is not over yet! Thank you God, for giving us another wonderful time to live and to enjoy the gift of life that you gave us!
Despite of the devastating "Sandy" wrath (hurricane in New Jersey and New York and the Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting), I am thankful that we are emotionally, physically, and mentally healthy. May the the Sandy tragedies gives us time to reflect and a realization that every minute we spend with our family is valuable.
Please join me to pray for those families who are affected by the "Sandy" devastation.

Photos were taken at home after attending a Sunday mass.
Let us not forget the true spirit of Christmas and that is to appreciate and give thanks to God for everything that we have including the difficulty and hardships. With this difficulty, we learned how to be strong and start over again. With every hardship and experiences, there is a lesson to learn.
Let us not forget to tell our family how we love them. Spend quality time with your kids as much as you can. Give a friend a hug, a smile, and pray for those less fortunate ones.