We had a lot of fun yesterday at the Turtle Cove where they held the Easter activities for the base. We had a free brunch sponsored by the church at TC with the band playing while we're eating.
Hubby posted the first part of this post hehehe. Here's the natural beauty of the venue.
I had my exercise climbing though this inflatable slide. I burnt my right elbow because of the friction of this hot material but it was fun and I burned some calories hehehe.

Here's hubby and kids with the Male Easter Bunny.

Here's EJ waiting for the egg hunt to start. He wasn't able to participate though because he left and played at the Sea of balls (again.. And again....)

Here's Rylie anticipating for the egg hunt.

Here's the fun part, everytime someone grab the egg that she wants to get, she'll look at me like "help me, Mom" lol.. But the parents were not allowed to help.

Here's what's she gathered, not much hahha.. Some of the eggs has gift certificate but we are not fortunate to find it.

After the egg huning, Rylie got to decorate some cookies and ate it afterwards.

With Tito Noel Gravina.


With Ms. Theresa...

One of the inflatable bunnies that she redeemed from one of the easter eggs she've found in the field.

How about you friends, how did you celebrate the Easter Sunday?