Aretha Franklin once said "Every birthday is a gift and every day is also gift", and I completely agree. I think that we should be grateful for each day, as we woke up in the morning and as we go to bed. We should consider ourselves wealthy when we have a a roof over our head, food in the table and a family that we can turn to no matter what situation there maybe.
As Voltaire have said "God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well." A lot of people says to live in the moment but there are times in our lives that we are consumed with worries and other petty things. If we learn how to live simply and appreciate all the little things, we will be happy.
I turned 45 this month and I couldn't ask for more of what God has given me. Two lovely kids and a great husband. What else could I possibly ask? Unless of course if God would give me the chance to travel the world, that would be great ha ha. But in all honesty and seriousness, I am happy and content.
I can't help but think of my father during my teenage years. He was very strict and I thought that it was so selfish of him to always laid out rules of what not to do and all that stuff. But looking back at it now, I am very fortunate to have a very loving Dad who just wanted the best for me. I am glad I listened, I just wish he would still be around so I can tell him a lot of things that I never got to do when he was still alive.
Anyway, when it comes to celebrating birthdays, we always get a cake that the celebrant love. I got this carrot cake from the Amish store that we went to at Walnut Creek Ohio, as part of my birthday celebration.
The cake was delicious! I want to go back there again and get more of these lol.If you happen to notice, my long hair is gone. Summer weather is creeping in so I asked my husband to cut it, he couldn't say no because it's my birthday ha! He love my hair long so when I told him to cut it shoulder length, he kind of resist a little bit.
My partner in crime, my sweet tooth son, patiently waiting for the piece of cake. I thought he wouldn't like it but he said it was very good. Amish people can make really good cake.
He couldn't do a crossed eyes like I did so this is the face he made ha ha. My silly little boy, who doesn't want to be called a boy anymore.My daughter painted this for me. It's a very thoughtful gift and I love it!
Thanks to my husband and kids for pampering me on my birthday. My daughter painted my nails and my husband cut my hair and cooked breakfast. We ate at a restaurant for lunch since they didn't want me cooking, how sweet! They might be tired of my cooking though ha ha.
So yeah, in five years time, I will be a golden girl. Bring it on!
"Cherish all your happy moments;
they make a fine cushion for old age."