I googled ..... and googled..... and googled for a good recipe this morning and I was enticed with the Chicken Afridata recipe. When I am browsing for recipes, I don't really follow everything on the instructions hehehe. I usually combine two sources of the same recipe. Like this menu that we ate for lunch. I combined the recipe I got from kusina ni manang blog and the one that i found on another source (forgot the name, sorry). Anyhow, here's the ingredients:
Here's the marinade chicken: I used remix fresh lemon cocktail and soy sauce.

Now here's the yummylicious chitada (my version of chicken afritada)!

Note: Kusina ni Manang don't call for chicken broth and tomato sauce but the other source does, so I made my own hehehe... The outcome of the combi recipe was awesome!