This post brought to you by The Orkin Ecologist. All opinions are 100% mine.
Hello every-buggy, how was your weekend? Don't mine me if I am talking like a bug right now, I am just feeling a little buggy. We just got home from visiting my father-in-law. My husband said that Dad caught a grasshopper the other day so he put it in a container so the kids can see it. Dad knows how much our kids love bugs like grasshopper, praying mantis, lady bugs and just about any kind of bugs except spiders. Unfortunately, the kids did not get to see it as Dad let him go yesterday, he said that he look like getting sick so he lit him go.
Anyway, if you are a frequent reader of my blogs, you would know by now how my son like to study worms of any kinds. He always volunteer to help me when I am gardening because he love digging the dirt and get the earthworms. He also look around the plants and find every bug he could see. I will let the photo below talk about he likes to investigate and find those crawlies. 

I was showing him the scariest and deadliest bugs in the world at Orkin's website and he was like "Oh that is so cool!" I am scardy cat when it comes to worms, even the littlest one scares the heck out of me. I actually bookmarked their webpage because I want my son to study the bugs they features in their website. It is so nice to find companies like Orkin who provides information that kids are interested into. I also showed my husband the different kinds of spiders as he is afraid of spiders. To check out more about Orkin's critters and bugs, you can follow them on Pinterest or like their Facebook page.
Are you afraid of any kind of bugs?