It is so hot right now so I thought of digging some of the winter photos to cool me down (weird huh), lol. Anyway, I for got to post this anyway. These photos were taken in January after they got out from school. Kids don't mind if it's freezing, they just want to have fun playing in the snow.
See how much snow is pouring? Yep, we walk to school, rain or shine. It's a five minute walk so why bother to burn gas for a short distance like that. Besiddes, it's a great exercise for me and the kids especially on Winter that we seldom go for a long walk.IJ is very tough on cold weather, he can take cold more than Rylie. Me and my daughter is the same, our bodies are always cold so Winter is not for us.
So yeah, it must be weird wreading this post containing Winter photos but this really cools me down now that it is too hot!