Saturday, October 27, 2012

Fall Beauty with Miracle Gro

This post brought to you by Miracle-Gro. All opinions are 100% mine.

(1) Miracle-GroGardenieres is the website that spent  more than an hour watching videos related to gardening.  As many of you who frequently visit my blogs know that I love gardening.  I love  finding new ideas on how I could  do my gardening better.  Anyhow, I watched  Gina IIiopoukos's videos  and  one  of her segment that I like is the pruning of rose bush.  I love roses  but they are pain to manage because of their thorns.  Nevertheless, I can't stop adding  different kind of rose every year in my garden.  Aside from properly pruning the rose, Gina also showed how to position the trellis and train the rose to climb in it.  
MG_Potting_Mix.jpgJust a  few months ago,  I fed my roses with the Miracle Gro that I  had and  they are looking fabulous as ever.  MY yellow rose is still blooming up to this day even if  the weather is  already cool.    I am very happy that my roses did not have the disease that they had last year.  I think, the Miracle Gro helped  them   to become healthy and they are giving me so many flowers this year.  I am enjoying the Fall beauty  with the help of Miracle Gro.

If you want to connect with other  garden enthusiasts, like the Miracle-Gro Facebook page and you will be able to interact with other gardeners and exchanges ideas.  You can also get updates about Miracle Gro's deals and other garden topics.  You can watch the video  below on how to  create a  potted herb.  


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