I been tagged by Umma, Madz, and Beth. I'm sorry ladies for posting this so late, I been busy with my new project here at home (weaning my son hehehe). This is a timing tag for my luvvyduvvyhubby because he will be celebrating the biggest milestone of his life, the beginning of his LIFE.... Yep, he will be 40 years young next month!
I love him because he understand my obligation to my family. He knows the Filipino traditions and cultures well, so helping my family in the Philippines financially is never a problem to him. Even if I told him that he is not oblige to support them, he still insist that we send them.
I love him because he is goofy, silly and funny. Laughter is what spice up our relationship from the very beginning. There is never a dull moment with him, which makes our life together interesting and joyful all the time.
I love him because he understand the full meaning of a family. We are always his priority among everything else. He always set aside what he wants for the sake of his love to us.

First and foremost I love JOHN because he is what he is. He is a great husband to me and great Dad to our children. He love playing with our kids, tells them stories, read them books and take care of them when I'm away.

I love him because he is humble and good communicator. When I am mad, I don't talk but John wouldn't let the day pass by without us being reconciled. Even on times that I am the one on the wrong side, he is the one saying sorry.
Thank you for making me marry you, for understanding my imperfections and for putting up with my attitude sometimes. I love you!
I would love to pass this tag to Ate Weng, Clarissa, Anne, Malou and Faye.