My kids are now aware that Santa is Mom and Dad but they are still excited to open their gifts. They were both have cold last Christmas so they stayed up a little late compared to the previous years. I decided to take a video of them .
We always let our Jack Russell Terrier open their gift first. Our other dog, Bolt is scared so Champ always do the honor to do it. We got him this rope that is suppose to last long but our JRT broke it in less than 10 minutes lol.
My kids left me some hints on my desk on what they want for Christmas so it was easy to buy the gifts. Books are number one on their list, then they have their favorite snacks and games. Friends also gave them some gifts so they got busy as soon as they woke up. I woke up around 1 am that day and couldn't go back to sleep so I just got down in the kitchen and cooked some food.

Overall, it was a nice Christmas for all of us. My husband got me a new camera and I love it. Since he is trying to get back in shape, we ordered the Bowflex Max Trainer for us to use, well, mostly for him. I hope that we can both achieve our fitness goal this year. We want to be healthy and strong as a family so we included fitness in our weekly routine of schedules.
Overall, it was a nice Christmas for all of us. My husband got me a new camera and I love it. Since he is trying to get back in shape, we ordered the Bowflex Max Trainer for us to use, well, mostly for him. I hope that we can both achieve our fitness goal this year. We want to be healthy and strong as a family so we included fitness in our weekly routine of schedules.
Looks like you had a wonderful holiday...another Christmas is on it's way!