Wednesday, September 18, 2013


In a relationship, listening is a vital aspect that should be practiced. Even if your spouse is talking about the things from work that doesn't ring a bell to you like Shipping Containers  or Metal Fabrication, it is important that you listen when they talk about it. This is vital especially if they came home and had a bad day at work. Talking about it releases the stress that they have had from their job or work. 

You may not be able to relate to the topic that he is talking about but at least, you are there willing to listen.  I am a good listener and whenever  hubby is  talking about something  from his work, I try to understand or even if I don't understand  it, I listened to him because  it gives him the avenue to share what   day he had at work.  It is   the same way with him when I tell him about my experience on  certain  Photo on Canvas that I reviewed or  things that I got from the mail that doesn't ring a bell to him.  Open communication is really important to make a relationship work.


  1. Sometimes my hubby talks about things I have no clue about but I listen anyway... :)

  2. Communication is the key. I like to talk to my husband when he comes home from work and ask how his day was. It is nice to have an open communication.

  3. I agree. It pays to have a listening ear most of the times because it's part of having a good communication.

  4. Oh yes, listening really is a vital part of communication. :-)


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