Thursday, January 17, 2013

Amniocentesis and a Birthday

Announcement, Scooby Doo errr Mr. Burrito is  celebrating his birthday, yippee!

Time flies, I can't believe it's been six years since our second bundle of joy was born.  We are bringing some snacks  and treats for his classmates tomorrow at his school.  I hope and pray that he won't get sick because Ms. Burrito  is sick.  With the flu that has been going around, I am paranoid and scared about my kids.  I hope that what Ms. Burrito has is just plain cold and nothing  serious.  

I still recall when my test result  came back with some irregularities during the second trimester of my pregnancy.  My OB Gyne  sent me to a specialist in Pittsburgh to find out what's wrong.  The specialist advised us that our baby might have a down syndrome so he suggested for me to undergo an amniocentesis procedure so they could study what is wrong with the baby inside my womb.  The said procedure  could cause  miscarriage,  so we told him right there and then that we did not want it, that no matter  what our son would be, we are willing to face it and would love him the same.  I am so glad that we did not listen because  for six years now, our son  is healthy and smart.  He was born weighing 8 lbs and there was nothing wrong with him.  God is great, He protects those who believes in Him!

ABC Wednesday


  1. My OB in Qatar, also suggested that I undergo amniocentesis too. I refused too. Like you ,whatever his condition ,we still love him. Anyway, happy birthday to Mr. Burrito, parang kailan lang, I was preggy with my youngest(4 yr old na ngayon) when I started reading your blogs and posts about your kids.Now, they are grown.

  2. I agree , He is your son then & now.You will always love him no matter what,no need for tests. Glad he is fine! Great Pic!

  3. Happy Birthday EJ, time flies really quick ate Rose, medyo depress na rin ako I am getting old. Haha!

    To God be the Glory for the great blessings and keeping everyone safe at all times.

  4. Happy birthday.. your mom is so proud to have you in her life i know..

  5. happy natal day to the boy

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  6. I am happy everything is fine and happy birthday to him.

  7. Happy birthday to your son. I'm glad he is a strong, healthy 6 year old.

  8. Happy Birthday!!! That was so sad when it comes to our kids getting sick, i can feel you. But glad he was doing fine.

  9. Awwwe how cute! Happy birthday to Mr. Burrito ... may he have all the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever could be.

  10. Happy birthday Mr Burrito, my little one will be turning 8 before the end of this month and because of financial difficulties I don't think I can give him what he wants, a birthday treat to his classmate..

  11. aaawww! sometimes OB doctors are stressing us out. well they do that because they care but look what happen your son is handsome little fellow and healthy and smart :D he looks so much like his dad and i know you heard it from me many times already mami rose hehhee

  12. Happy Birthday Mr Burrito :) May all your dreams come true!

  13. Amen, amen! God is wonderful and powerful!

    Happy birthday Mr. Burrito! May you grow with God's grace and in God's side all the time!

  14. Happy Birthday Mr Burrito! There's always some kind of virus going around with so many kids interacting in schools, same goes here too!Take care and enjoy the day.

  15. Sometimes, we really have to trust our own instincts especially when it comes to our families.

  16. Time flies so fast, Happy Birthday Mr. Burito

  17. It is the first time I heard about amniocenteses. Thanks God that your son is healthy and very handsome. :)

  18. awwwww...time flies really quick...belated happy birthday EJ...:)

    nako sis, we have the same issue before...ganon din sabi nang OB ko...we were really upset when she told us about the bad news..but we chose to not to do the Lord! I'll be forever guilty...God is really good!

  19. Happy Birthday to your son! Hope he has a great day.

  20. Happy birthday to your boy! Amniocentesis seems to be a scary word!

  21. Happy birthday EJ! That was a good decision, sis. God chose you two to be his parents and He chose well. He always does, right?

    Thanks for visiting my ABC Wednesday. Finally joined, hehe.

  22. 'So they could study what is wrong...' well, that's their study. I'm glad sis you refused amniocentesis. Happy birthday to EJ and here's hoping Rylie feels better soon.


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