Saturday, November 28, 2020

Thanksgiving 2020

 This year is a full on roller coaster 🎢 with everything.  The pandemic have changed almost every aspect of the way we do things.   We have been doing our own Thanksgiving at home ever since my father-in-law have passed on so this year was no different for us but I’m sure a lot of families were forced to celebrate without other family members due to Covid restrictions.  
I started cooking early in the morning so by noon time, I was almost finished and we had our dinner around 2.  Despite many hardships, we also have a lot to be thankful for.  First and foremost, my husband and kids are healthy.  They did get some type of cold but not bad.  The kids get to go to school as well although they had to do remote learning within the Thanksgiving period.  Hopefully they’ll be able to go back sometime soon.  They appreciate the extra tome to sleep but find it a bit harder to do all the lessons by themselves without the physical presence of their teachers.
Hopefully this pandemic I’ll soon be over.  I think when election result ends, this will end as well, I hope.   

Friday, August 28, 2020

A Father's Day Tribute to a #NavyVeteran Dad : #Father'sDay2020

Oh my, August is almost over, time slips by so quickly even with pandemic. We didn't really travel much this year because of Covid but we have been busy with our home improvement projects.

Father's Day and other special occasion came and passed and here I am just trying to catch up writing about it.    I want to  dedicate this  late post as a tribute to a veteran Dad who didn't let age  deter him from finishing his school.  He became a father at a very early age with his first marriage and he had to enlist in the Navy to provide for his two children.  Unfortunately they grew apart and the kids grew up not knowing their father very much.  I wish they have a good relationship but it's sad that they don't.  Anyway, I am glad that he is very dedicated to our children. 
John signed up in the military when he was 20 years old.  He did not  go to college  after he  finished high school because he  had to work.  Realizing that the place he grew up in will not give him anything challenging, he signed up in the Navy.  He originally planned to go to Air Force but the recruiter he talked to  did not show up.  Since the recruiter of the Navy  next door was there, he decided to  try them.  The guy showed him pictures of his travels in the Navy and  my husband   got inspired.
These photos were taken when he graduated  from his Master in Science  degree with  a major in  Leadership and Professional Administration at Duquesne University two years ago (May 2018).

This was the simple gift that we gave him.
I am glad that he was able to get his master's done.    He didn't get to  do schooling  until he got done with his 20 years in the service but I think it's worth it.
The kids handmade cards.
Hooray, I finally got to finish this post.  It's been sitting as a draft for almost two years, holly guacamole.  What have I been doing all these time?   Lol.  Oh well, I hope I can finally get back to writing regularly again now that our bathroom renovations are almost done.  
