My kids and I hang out in the school field after I picked them up from school. We let the cars passed by the busy street where we cross before we go home.
We will miss this though when the cold weather rolls in.
I always have my point and shoot camera on hand just in case there are interesting stuff I could take pictures with but in most case, it is always my Burritos.
Photo isn't mine |
As I was searching for an interesting post for this week's ABC letter K, I found an interesting thing about our State that I did not know before. According to Wikepedia, the "Kanawha River (pronounced kuh-NAW or less often ka-NA-wah and earlier, kuh-NOIE) is a tributary of the Ohio River, approximately 97 mi (156 km) long, in the U.S. state of West Virginia. The largest inland waterway in West Virginia, it has formed a significant industrial region of the state since the middle of the 19th century."
ABC Wednesday,
Sky Watch Friday,
Shadow Shots