Wednesday, June 7, 2017

A Glimpse of my Family Back Home

I am happy that my youngest sister went to Bicol and got to see my Mom. She took a lot of pictures and I was able to see my Mom even just in photos. I was also able to talk to them for over an hour on the phone. I would have loved to video chat with them but the cellphone signal in the hotel where my sister was staying was very poor. They even have to go out the hotel for me to be able to connect with them.  

I am glad that my Mom is getting used to wearing her eyeglasses.  She used to suffer with massive headaches and  she couldn't figure out  what's causing it and finally we told her to go to the eye doctor and it  fixed the issue.  I feel so bad that we didn't   do that early on.  That's what  frustrate me for being so far away, I can't do things to help my  Mom that I would normally do  right away if I am there.  Living here on the other side of the world is tough especially when it comes to my Mom because I know  that she is in her age now where she  needs us.   My youngest sister   works in Manila now so  it's  also  difficult for her to see my Mom often  because of her work. My Mom told me some stuff about my brother that made me  upset.  The way they treat  my Mom is  unacceptable.  She is no slave to anybody so she doesn't have to do anything for them.  If raising them was not enough then what is.   I know that my Mom is a very loving and understanding person but  some of my siblings just  abuse that kindness  and it makes me mad.  She is now 64 years old and should be  enjoying her  age without  having to think of raising another kid but one of my sisters just don't have the capacity to be a responsible parent.   Sometimes, I  questioned her decision to  continuously help my siblings but I guess that is how a mother should be.  She would help her kids no matter the circumstance is.   Anyway, all I can do is to support her, after all she  raised me to be a responsible individual.  I miss and love her very ,much.  I wish she would agree for me to bring her here.
I found this video that made me miss   the place   where I grew up  in the Philippines.  It makes me happy but   feeling homesick.


  1. Awww, how great that you got some updated photos of your mom. Cherish them and hopefully you can see her in person soon.

  2. Always great to connect with family, especially if they are far away. I know from personal experience.

  3. It's always tough to be away from family. I'm glad you are able to see photos and talk to her on the phone at least.

  4. I'm sure it is really hard being away from your mom. I'm sorry your brother isn't treating her well. Hopefully you can talk some sense into him.

  5. That is so nice of your sister to share her trip with you. Even if it is in pictures you can feel like your right there.

  6. I have several friends from the Philipines and I imagine it is tough being so far away from loved ones. Thankfully it's not like the days of old thanks to Facetime and phone calls but nothing beats a hug from mom.

  7. Aww how lovely you got some new photos and to talk to her, I really hope you get to see her soon.

  8. This is so sweet. It's great that you sister was able to go.

  9. It is so hard to be away from family. I'm glad your mom got glasses and it helped her headaches!

  10. I am glad your Moms glasses have helped her headaches. It would be so hard to live across the world from my Mom.

  11. I now distance between a person and the people they love can be very hard. At least technology like cell phones and cameras make it a little easier to stay in touch.

  12. This was a very inspirational post. Family is everything and if you're like me, photos are bits of precious memories. I can only imagine how hard it can be living far from your mom. Such a beautiful post.

  13. You grew up in such a beautiful place! Anyway, I understand how you feel. It is tough to be away from your family and the country you grew up in. I am sure your mom is happy for you. I just wish your siblings should understand that they should be the ones taking care of your mom, not the other way around.

  14. Distance is never easy when it comes to moving country and staying connected with loved ones. I am glad you were still able to talk to your mom while your sister was visiting her.

  15. I'm so glad you got to talk to your mother again. Keeping in touch with family, no matter how far away they are, is so important.

  16. That is sweet and glad your sister got to go. Family is precious and I feel like we should always make time. :)

  17. This is a very beautiful post. Photos always bring back memories. My parents are visiting from Asia, I am so happy!

  18. What a beautiful place and a post! I am so glad you were able to hear how everything is going. Distance is so rough!


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