Sunday, May 21, 2017

Visiting Loved Ones at the Cemetery During #MothersDay

After attending mass at the church, we ate    dinner at Theo Yianni's, and then  we  proceeded to  the Chapel Hill Cemetery to visit   loved ones ( my husband's parents and two brothers.)  We usually visit my FIL  on special occasions when he was still around and this was the first time that we celebrated without him so we went to the cemetery to visit them.  
 I had to take my shoes off because it was   slushy and muddy due to the rain from previous days.
 I wish that I could have met my MIL but I wasn't able to come  before she passed.  I did talk to her on the phone when I was still in my country and she seemed really nice.
 It's sad to think that  my FIL won't be around anymore for my children's graduations and other occasion but  I hope that he would be looking down still.
I am thankful for the gift of  life, for my children, for my husband and for the good life we live here on earth.  I pray that I would still be around to witness  my  children's  different   stages in life and hope to see grandchildren in the future.  My prayer for Mother's Day is that, may the good Lord   blessed my children good health and may they  grow up to be good people and be successful in life.  


  1. I visit the cemetery all the time to talk to my parents and tell them my ups and downs.

  2. I think it's wonderful that you visit the cemetery. This quote in your post is so touching "May the good Lord blessed my children good health and may they grow up to be good people and be successful in life"...I really love that so much. I wish for that too.

  3. I have never visited anybody at a cemetery, but when my grandmother died her request was that no one would visit her at the cemetery because that's not where she felt like she would be. At least that is my guess why she didn't want us there. She was definitely a lady that didn't like to waste time and I am betting that was part of the reason why she asked.

  4. I visited my dad this past weekend (6 hours away) and I always visit my mom's grave when I visit. It's been two years and it still doesn't feel real.

  5. We have had a few deaths in both my family and my husband's family in recent years, it's good to celebrate them with the kids and tell them about them so they remember <3

  6. It is so hard when these special days roll around and people aren't with us anymore, going to see their resting place is a lovely thing to do for those who can.

  7. I think this is a good idea. Although I find it hard to visit the cemetery. I know we should but sometimes it brings back some sad memories.

  8. My mother visits my grandmother on her birthday very year. I was afraid of cemeteries when I was a child, but since I started doing my genealogy, I find that it brings me closer to them somehow.

  9. What a lovely family tradition. I think it's so important that we honor our ancestors and that we certainly, cherish our lives and loved ones!

  10. Sorry for the loss of your beloved father in law. My father in law passed before our kids were born so they only know of him through old pictures and stories we share. Glad to see your family honor your loved one by visiting their gravesite.

  11. That is so lovely and thoughtful you made time to visit loved ones. I have been a couple of times this summer.

  12. I think it is important to visit our loved ones that have passed. I like to bring fresh flowers to leave at my Grandmothers grave when I go.

  13. My husband and I have both lost parents. My mom is buried several states away. We are able to visit my husband's father's grave more often.

  14. For us it's also a tradition to visit and spend time with some relatives. I am also thankful for the gift of life. Let's enjoy and cherish every moment with our love ones.

  15. Visiting loved ones at their final resting place during Mother's day is so poignant and touching. Memories come alive and one is swept away in waves of nostalgia.

  16. I need to visit my deceased grandmother. It's been years and I always feel guilty for not visiting. She's about 9 hours away from where I live. I need to plan a trip and visit. She raised me!

  17. Seems like not many people honor this tradition anymore. I remember going with my Mom and Grandma to visit our relatives graves. We planted flowers and cleaned up the area. I do visit my Grandma's grave but not as often as I should.

  18. Awww what an incredible family you guys are and how lovely that you still visit your in-laws graves.

  19. You have a beautiful, loving family. I have seen your posts and I can feel all the love you have for each other. Your kids are lucky to have you as parents. They will surely grow up to be responsible, loving adults because you set a good example for them to follow.


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