Thursday, June 8, 2017

Memorial Celebration Visit to my FIL

My FIL was laid to rest  at Chapel Hill Memorial Cemetery last March 18th.  This was the first Memorial day celebration that he wasn't around anymore so we  took the kids to visit him and other loved ones.  
We  put a small flag  for him but forgot to bring the flowers  to replace  the old one.  We will bring it to him  this Father's Day.  Losing  my FIL was abig loss for the family because he was a big part of us especially for my kids.  He was the only grandparent  by blood that they know here so it was a blessing that he was  involved  with them growing up.  They have great memories with their Pap.
Our son  even   did his  dance move so his Pap can see it.  I bet my FIL was smiling.  My FIL  used to always  laugh when watcvhing EJ, he thought that EJ is definitely a wild character lol.
I am glad that my kids  have gotten to t know their grandpa before he died.  He was a big part of their lives since they were born.  My Mom is on the other part of the world so  the only time they would see or hear her is when I talk to her or  video chat with her which is very seldom as the place where she lives have a very weak cellphone reception.  Even when I talk to my Mom, they can't talk to her because she doesn't speak English.  Sometimes they would tell her things and I would  interpret it to my Mom in our language..
We still talk about Dad  a lot.  My husband was with me when I was picking a Father's  Day card for him and he  told me that he saw a perfect one to give to his Dad but then realized that he is no longer around.  Slowly, we are trying to deal with the pain of losing him through remembering  the great memories he left upon us.


  1. I'm so glad that your children knew their grandpa! I think that the older generations have so much to teach to our children. It is something that I make sure with my kids also. They know their grandparents very well and learn a lot from them. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.

  2. I've made the journey to visit my father's grave in Floriday with my children. It is never an easy visit, but it is important in remembering his legacy.

  3. Sorry to hear about your loss. Looks like you had a meaningful trip to visit the cemetery. It's great that your family had such a connection with him and that your children knew their grandparents.

  4. That dance is so cute! I am glad that my kids have their grandparents. I know it is so hard losing them. I was 15 when my grandpa died and it was so hard! I'm glad yours got to have a relationship with theirs.

  5. I'm sure that your FIL LOVED the dance by your son. It was so great that you honored him and showed respect by placing the flag.

  6. It's always hard when kids lose a grandparent. I'm glad they were able to get to know him and I bet your FIL was looking down and laughing at EJ's dance moves!

  7. I love that your Son showed his Grandpa his dance move. I am sure he was there with you in spirit. The flowers and flag look great.

  8. Such a touching post. It’s great that we have holidays that help us remember the people who touched our lives.

  9. It's never easy, no matter how long it's been. I like that your son did a dance for your FIL.....we always tell my grampa jokes. :)

  10. I love taking my kids to visit the cemetery. I think there is such a peace and love there. I love that you took your son.

  11. I am sorry for your loss! It's so wonderful that your kid had gotten to know your FIL and I love his dance moves! The flowers look very pretty anyway :)

  12. Cute dance moves that will surely make FIL happy. Everyone will surely love reading this post

  13. I am so sorry for your loss. My children are super close to my in laws. What a beautiful memorial you have created for him. I hope you were able to make it back or fathers day with the fresh flowers.

  14. I am so sorry for your loss. We recently had a loss in our family. Telling the kids about it was difficult.

  15. It sounds like your father-in-law was a wonderful man who touched everyone's lives. I'm sorry for your loss but I'm thankful you had such a wonderful man to give you great memories.

  16. Nice to do such kind of activities with our children. Can wait to do the same with my kids this summer!

  17. I am ao sorry for your loss. I think it is great that you are encouraging your kids to remember their Grandpa and all of the wonderful times they spent with him.

  18. It really doesn't get easier, but it's little things like this that bring out the good memories! Your pictures will be great memories for a lifetime too!

  19. I love that he did the whip! Sorry for your loss but great way to get your kids to still feel connected to his spirit and legacy.


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