Thursday, January 5, 2017

A Great Start to 2017

We kicked off our 2017 by attending the Sunday mass and  visiting  my father-in-law after wards.   It is important  for the  kids to spend  as much time with their Pap now  that he is still around. Dad might not  recognize us anymore but I want them to show their   love to their grandfather no matter what the circumstance is.  He was there for them  all those time since they were born and it  is fitting that they return the  love  especially now.  It's sad to see  that Alzheimer's really take a toll on Dad.  
 During our visit, I  discovered that in order to engage him fully in our conversation, we kept telling him about the times when he would rock the kids to sleep and he seems to enjoy that and  laugh about it.  So from now on, we will use this tactic to get him engage in a conversation.
 Dad will be 95 years old this year and we hope that he could be relocated  near our area so we could visit him frequently.  He   gets  very good care at Gables though so that's  a good thing although we are so far away from him.
 He was attending a church service when we arrive so after  we visited him, we decided to take him back to the church.
 Our son  volunteered to  push his w\heelchair which I thought was a sweet gesture.  I remember those  times when Dad would take the kids on a stroller and walk them around all the time.  I miss those times.
 It's really nice that the  facility   provide this kind of service to the senior folk.  The singing really entertains them.
 To end the first day of our new year, we started  building a 1000 pieces puzzle as part of our family bonding at the end of the day.
It was a great day to start our new year.  How about you, what did you guys do during the first day of the year 2017?  My Mom always told me when I was a kid that no matter what you do on the first day of the year, that's what you will  do for the rest of the year.  ABC Wednesday


  1. My daughter is fully grown, so she had to work on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. That's awful, I know, but that's life.

  2. Wonderful how good you are to your elderly. You are correct they are in were there for us growing up and for our children. To bad he lives so far away but at least he is getting some great care.

  3. Enjoy those moments with your dad. My dad passed away almost 9 years ago. I miss him. I'm glad that you and your family started the new year off right.

  4. It sounds like a wonderful visit that everyone enjoyed. We've been working a 1000 piece puzzle over here too!

  5. Bless him! Anyone who makes it to that age is a miracle :) So glad that you were able to spend the new year with him!

  6. I was busy with the grand kids on the first day of the year. Your dad looks so handsome even at 95. I'm sure he enjoyed your visit.

  7. I spent the day with family as well but we just watched The Crown on Netflix. My family loves movie night and it is the one day we are all together. Your husband looks just like your father in law. I love that you are teach the kids that no matter what family is what counts. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  8. this is pretty awesome. My God bless him and you guys also. this is so nice that you were able to spend time with him

  9. Calling by from ABC Wednesday, a cruel disease but at least he is happy to have company at the time.

  10. I can feel the love you all have for your Dad! My mother passed away from Alzheimer's in 2002 and I miss her terribly. But I used to take her for car rides and car picnics and she would talk talk talk about the past and things she did (thinking it was recent). I enjoyed listening and never interrupted her. So much patience is needed and sounds like you all have a lot of that. Embrace the time you have left with him - he looks pretty good for his age!!!

    abcw team

  11. Family is very important ... and to make it to his age is an absolute blessing. I am glad he was able to spend it with his loved ones. May god bless your whole family.

  12. The love radiates from the pictures, very ♥-warming to see !

    Have a nice ABC-Wednesday / _ Week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc=w=team)

  13. Is it amazing our superstitious beliefs and with that too i'm also thankful..because we do set things a great way.

  14. This post really reminds you who matters the most in our lives, and it is our family. Wonderful!

  15. It's just so great to have a loving family who would drive miles and miles just to be with someone special. I hope my kids would do the same when I'm old.

  16. If there was only a way to keep our elders with us at home. It is heartbreaking to have them moved to a nursing home, but I guess it would be best for them where they can get the best care and that we have peace of mind that there are nurses and doctors available on site 24/7.

  17. I am so sorry about your Dad's memory loss. Unfortunately, it is common to where I worked. Just be there with him Sis Rose and am sure he will feel all your love and care for him. He looks real good for his age.

  18. I am sad that your father has Alzheimer's but so happy that you make it such a priority to spend time with him. In the first photos, he doesn't appear to be responding, but the last two show much more pleasure. How wonderful that your son was comfortable wheeling his chair. And yes, activities like music really make a difference. Research has shown that over and over. I also loved the last photo of your family beginning the puzzle. You have made family bonding at home a priority as well. How wonderful. (On New Year's Day, I took photos of a little Hummingbird that we've named Henry, then Bill and I took a homeless gentleman his lunch (we do that every day), we continued on for a nice walk with Black Jack, then we went out for supper and took photos of a beautiful sunset as we walked home, and later in the evening, we went to the theatre to see a very good documentary called "Cameraperson" - if the rest of our year involves similar activities, we'll be happy for sure. Wishing you and all of your family many more quality bonding times!

  19. Looks like you really had a great start of the year. You know, my mom is in her early stages of Alzheimer's and it's really hard. We should really shower them with love and affection.


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