Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Steps for Remodeling Your Home

Do you have plans to have your home remodeled at some point in the near future? If you do, it is critical that you educate yourself regarding what is involved in this sort of undertaking. There are big and small remodeling jobs. However, there are certain things that you will need to do regardless of the size of the project. Knowing what you need to do will help your remodeling job go much more smoothly with less of a chance that something will go wrong. Here are the steps you should follow when you are going to have your home remodeled.

Living Room

1. Decide the exact specifications of the remodeling project that you want to have completed.

It is important that you know exactly what you want to have done before you hire a contractor to remodel your home. A contractor will need to order materials and possibly rent equipment based on the project that he will be overseeing. Therefore, you must be decisive on this matter. It will be very difficult if you start changing your mind about certain aspects of the project when the contractor and his crew have already started working.

2. Hire a contractor who has experience doing the specific type of remodeling work that you need.

Not all contractors are knowledgeable about all areas of remodeling a home. Therefore, it will be necessary for you to hire kitchen remodelers  if you want to have work done on your kitchen. Make sure you determine how much experience the contractor has. You should not hire anyone who has under three years of experience doing the type of remodeling that you require.

3. Schedule appointments with contractors to get price quotes.

Contact the contractors who have the necessary qualifications to do the job. Schedule appointments with all of them. These people will come to your home and take a look at the areas that you want to have remodeled. They will quote you a price for the total project. You can then compare the prices of the contractors to see which ones are the most affordable.

4. Prepare your home for renovation.

Block off the area of your home that will be remodeled. Put up barriers to prevent small children from wandering into the area by accident. Post signs so visitors to your home know that construction is going to be taking place in that area.


  1. We need to do this! We've been wanting new flooring. We'll be getting different quotes for sure and hiring someone, because we don't know how to do that!

  2. Some things we do ourselves around the home. When it comes to the big things we usually have a professional contractor who just happens to be a friend come in and do the work.

  3. Oh gosh. We are in the middle of a remodel at this point. It wasn't voluntary - ha, but in the end, I know we are going to be happy with it. My husband wants to DO IT ALL but I keep insisting for him NOT to break his back and let the professionals do it!

  4. Would love to remodel my home! There are many things that I would like to change in here. I will have to keep this post as a reminder in as a goal to be able to remodel my home in the future.

  5. We remodeled a large part of our home when we first bought it years ago. It was a huge undertaking but so worth it.

  6. I love all of your tips! I would love to refinish my hardwood floors again.

  7. We are in the midst of doing the exact same thing. Boy it was dusty when we laid new carpet.

  8. These are great tips. We just bought a new to us home and we will need some help in the future. In the past the biggest problem we had were people showing up.

  9. We have done a lot of remodeling in our current house. We still want to refinish the hardwood floors one day.

  10. When we moved into our house, we started a whole bunch of renovations. It is so much work and definitely takes a lot of time and effort.

  11. We are doing some home DIY right now. We just put in new flooring.

  12. I remember when we remodeled our home. Getting quotes from several different people was a must.

  13. I have to do remodels in small projects. My husband cannnot abide the mess! My last project I wrapped my fireplace in shiplap.

  14. It looks like y'all did a fantastic job!! I would love to have a house to remodel...then you could do things just how you wanted them!!

  15. there is always something that needs work when you own a home. You did a great job on yours!

  16. We are in the process of doing some renos, thanks for sharing your experience! You did a great job.

  17. Remodeling is so much fun but a ton of work. It is all worth it in the end though!

  18. I actually don't like remodelling and renovation because its always messy but sometimes we really have to. Glad to read you own experience too. -Anosa Malanga

  19. Great tips! We have been in our new home for a full year but when we were looking we saw a lot of houses with great remodeling potential. Floors are always a huge project to tackle and honestly scared us a little.


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