Thursday, December 29, 2016

Christmas 2016 at Home

Christmas morning is always exciting  for every family, ours included.  Our children always have a hard time  falling asleep on Christmas eve for the excitement  over  opening gifts the next day.  This year was a little different because our kids  knew  the truth about Santa already.  It doesn't mean that they are less excited, they are more excited if  we can top what Santa brought them over the years.  As it turned out they said that this year is the best Christmas ever (but they always say that lol).

Last year, I had the feeling that  our daughter  had a suspicious about Santa but she didn't say anything.  This year, she wrote something about Santa  and her brother  accidentally read it so we told them that they are old enough to be "Santa" themselves so they can make someone happy this Christmas by being  the Santa.  They were ecstatic about the idea.
Our new neighbor is so nice.  Last Halloween, they left some  treats for the kids at our porch and this Christmas, they also brought them some gifts.  Thanks Larry and Karen, you guys  reminds  us of our former neighbors who became our family in the former  neighborhood that we lived in.
These are the gifts that they have  brought us.  My son had this  remote controlled car, my daughter had an art set and they also gave us this  art piece for our new home.  We loved everything.  We always thank God for always   giving us great neighbors no matter where we live.
Our daughter is like a mini-me, she loves  making something personalized to give as a gift. 

She made this one for her brother which I think was really  awesome and thoughtful!
Our fur babies have their own gifts as well.  Fresh lettuce for our guinea pig Dunkin and a new ball for our super hyper  Jack Russell Terrier, Champ.  I recorded a video of Champ opening his gift and it was awesome, I haven't had the chance to upload it though.
When it comes to  stocking stuffer, I love getting my kids some things that they can use like toothbrushes, undies, socks, mittens, and sweets!
I love this new  keyboard my husband got me for Christmas.  It lights up  whenever it's dark which I really love.  He also tried to get me  something for protecting myself when I go  jogging or walking by myself but he had to cancel it because of some legal laws where he bought it.  He would still get it though, he just need to have a it shipped in one of the  stores here in our places for  legality purposes.
Our kids  got some stuff for us too.  They got me and my husband a new tennis rackets.  They said, we don't have  an excuse now if we lose to them.  Now that's a real challenge there because they are better  in tennis compared to us lol.
I really love how thoughtful these kiddos are when it comes to giving gifts.
My son's face lit up when he saw one of his gifts, a football.
Here they are sporting some of their presents.  
The big gifts they received  includes violin for  her and a laptop for  him.  Just seeing how  happy our children  were for the gifts they received is already a great gift for me and my husband.  Celebrating  the first Christmas here at our new home  was great.  We reminisce our  old times at our first home but glad we have a home now that provide us enough space for all of us.  This year has been  full of ups and downs for us but we are truly grateful for all the blessings that we  have received especially A NEW HOME.  From my family to yours, we wish a  joyful and fruitful new year.


  1. Aww it looks like you guys had a wonderful Christmas! We did too - I can't believe it's already over! It was so much fun!

  2. Looks like such an amazing family Christmas at home! Those are the kinds we used to do, we would be in our PJs all day and play with all our new stuff. This year we moved closer to my hometown and so we spent Christmas morning with my Dad. I feel like this is the last year my oldest believes... though I am not sure she believes anymore, but is acting like she does. Sad to see the magic gone, I will have to teach her to be Santa for her little sister. :)

  3. What a lovely Christmas! I'm sure you guys had a great time opening presents. Just look at those beautiful smiles!

  4. This sounded like such a nice Christmas. I'm glad everyone got some great gifts! Your new keyboard rocks!

  5. Thanks for sharing your Christmas at home. It looks like you had a lovely time with your family.

  6. Christmas at home is always fun. Such a lovely family you have.

  7. Christmas is always a big deal at our house and I love when the grandkids arrive for Christmas Day. Kids make Christmas even more special and I'm glad you had a great time with your family.

  8. It looks like you guys had an actually awesome Christmas! I love all the gifts that you've given to each other. It is clear you love each other and want to always do something to make the other person smile.

  9. It sounds like you guys had a great Christmas. I LOVE that you even got gifts for your pets.

  10. After scrolling through your photos looks like you had a great Christmas. Sounds like you have some great neighbors.

  11. It looks like your whole Family had a wonderful Christmas! I really love the wooden Home quote picture, very cute!

  12. What a wonderful Christmas you had! You're so lucky to have great friendly neighbors! Many blessings for many many wonderful Christmas' in your new home!

  13. What special memories for the first Christmas in your new home :) I like that your pets have gifts, too - we always get our new gifts :)

  14. I saw that facebook post going around about being a Santa. It's a great spin to put on a "lie". I love that sign!

  15. Looks like you had an awesome Christmas. I love that even the fur babies were included in it.

  16. Seeing smiling faces is fabulous! My nephew had a hint one year, but was afraid to tell my sister because he didn't want to lose out on the gifts! lol. Thank you for sharing your day with us!

  17. Christmas is always so much fun and we too had a blast this year at home. Good to hear that you had a great time as well and your kids look so happy with their gifts too!

  18. Y'all are such a beautiful family! Wow! Your new neighbor really is nice and thoughtful, which is great. Looks like you had an awesome celebration.

  19. What an amazing sounding Christmas you had - love your pets get gifts - mine do as well and what a lovely idea of becoming a santa :) x

  20. What a beautiful Christmas you had. Everyone looks very happy with their gifts. Happy new year and I hope you have a wonderful 2017!

  21. I'm glad you had a good Christmas. And hurrah for nice neighbors!

  22. Looks like y'all had a fantastic Christmas!! Merry (late) Christmas to you and yours!!

  23. Sounds like you all had a great Christmas! Oh my, Dunkin and Champ are the cutest! I'm glad I'm not the only one who got my fur baby gifts.

  24. Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas! We did ours at home too and it was so much better than going anywhere, love doing holidays at home! - Jeanine

  25. Looks like you all got a lot of amazing stuff! My kids still believe.

  26. I love that idea of telling kids that they now get to be Santa and bring joy to someone else. It's a great way to get them through that transition so they won't be dissapointed.

  27. It sounds like you guys had a wonderful Christmas. My oldest is 12 and doesn't believe in Santa but he goes with it for the sake of his sister.

  28. It sounds like you had an amazing Christmas. I love seeing the looks on the kids faces when they open the gifts on Christmas morning. Giving to me is better than receiving. Thanks for sharing your wonderful Christmas.

  29. Looks like you had an exciting Christmas morning, mommy Rose!


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