Thursday, January 24, 2013


Nothing is more worrisome for us  parents to see our  children get sick.  Both of my Burritos got the  nasty cold so they were absent from school for days.  Ms. Burrito  got it first then  Mr. Burrito  got it when she got well.  Now that both of them are getting well, I have the cold wahh.

Anyhow, when  he was sick, we received a packae that was addressed to him so he got so delighted especially when we opened the box and  found the Lego Kit for Nascar Racing Car.  He couldn't wait for his Dad to arrive so I helped him put together the lego pieces.
There it goes, the first car that I ever  built hahaha.  Kidding aside, it was fun!  Thank you so much to the Dias Family for adding  sunshine to our little man when he was sick.


  1. great job for putting all that together. one my the kid's godmother gave them something like that. we gave up after a day of trying, haha. i hid all the pieces away. we'll try again when the kids are older. :)

  2. A nice way for a fellow to learn many skills.
    Putting the cards together is not so easy.

  3. Hope ok na sila .. Good job for this car :)

  4. Oh pretty! my little boy will really like it too, he likes race cares and Lego.Mr. Burrito is the happiest boy in the world.

  5. Wow! that's a nice gift. My son Roan also loves to build stuff, and Rodney loves Nascar cars, he will be watching the Nascar in May, can't remember where it's going to be.

  6. AAwwww hope he gets better soon :D and you are so lucky to have a very good friend who may not be there physically with you when you need to lend a shoulder but definitely with you in spirit and are always thinking about you and your loved ones. Generous kaayo si mami Dhemz which i have a friend like yours :D

  7. I'm sure he's feeling quite better now with that awesome new toy. :) It looks really nice. :)

  8. That was great! And you can easily assemble that Lego car without the help of your hubby. Your kid looks so happy and excited in his gift.

  9. Love the result :)
    Hope you'll recover soon, Rose.

  10. Great shots for 'Yellow' ~ lovely children ~ and great Mommy ~

    Carol of A Creative Harbor ^_^

  11. Was that really made from Lego's wow? What a nice surprise for him to get especially when he was sick. Hope they are getting better. This cold/flu stuff has been bad this year. Hope you don't get it.
    Happy Blue Monday,

  12. Hope he gets better soon - great shots!

  13. When you're a mom of a boy, you become multi-talented sis, pati toy cars alam mo na rin :)

  14. Bravo for your project and look at his happy face. Hope he feels better soon!

  15. The cool factor of NASCAR grand national cars we see not just at the big speedways - but as toys that leave imagination of racing on the child's face. This will help hom feel better!

  16. great job sis for putting it together....waaaa...ikaw naman ngayon! get well soon sis...:) musta weekend nyo jan?

  17. It does look like fun! I love red cars!

  18. I am sure it helped distract him from feeling unwell! Thank you for sharing on Mandarin Orange Monday:)

  19. Cool car! Glad to hear both the burritos are okay now. Have a fabulous week!

    Liz (yacb)

  20. My son loves Nascar as well Sis Rose :-) glad to know that Mr. Pogi is playing his fave toy :-) Saying "Hi" from Color Connection :-)

  21. Cool!
    Hope they are healthy in the meantime.


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