Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Jungle Hunters

I am still catching up with my posting as I got behind when my PC crashed.  Here are more photos that I should have posted weeks ago.  Both of the Burritos have received  something that they could use for "hunting".  Mr. Burrito got a Bow and Arrow from Jen's family and Ms. Burrito had a Cross Bow from Santa.  I feel bad though because they sometimes hunt Bolt (our dog) when they are playing "hunting in the jungle".  It doesn't hurt but it scares that poor little fella.
Santa has been so generous, he left a big bag of presents for them.  These two clashes with each other sometimes but most of the time they are good buddies especially when  doing arts in crafts.


  1. That is a normal thing for children to clash once in awhile. I think your children do very well.

  2. Happy Pink Saturday, my Dear!

  3. great bonding moment for your kids sis

  4. Poor Bolt.Can't help smiling imagining them hunting him down. like true blue jungle hunters. visiting here sis from JFKB. :)

  5. Ah, sibling rivalry!

    Your children are adorable. Sorry your PC crashed.

  6. To my visitors:

    I thank you for the time you spend in leaving me a comment or two. I do appreciate your constructive criticism as it helps me do better in blogging. I do however don't publish comments that sounds very condescending. This is a family-friendly blog and yes I do write advertising. Online advertising is part of what I do as blogger but I make sure that the entries I enter to bloghop is a personal post. If my blog does not load very fast at your end, I apologize but it's not because of the ads.

    There are different reasons that could cause the slow loading of the page. It could be because of your connection or maybe because I post large size photos in my posts. Photo is basically part of my style as a writer and I apologize if it slowing you down.

    Again, thanks for your time.


  7. oops...over from Shadow Shot....:)

  8. Imagens com crianças são sempre garantia de beleza e alegria. Beijos!

  9. always great activities for them in your photos...

  10. The children seem to enjoy their activities! Love that chair design behind your little guy! Interesting leaf pattern!

  11. They look so busy. :) Have a fabulous week!

    Liz (yacb)

  12. Looks like they're having a fun time.

  13. Poor bolt :)

    Fun shots, love to see your kids' photos.

  14. Our two girls are only a couple of years apart, and they are VERY close now that they're young ladies in their late teens. However, they do bicker over silly things sometimes. Therefore, i wouldn't worry too much about your kids. I love how you encourage your kids to be creative and give them time to find a common ground. Blessings!

  15. Happy Time :-)
    Thank you for stopping by

  16. Cute kids having such fun! Thank you for sharing on Mandarin Orange Monday:)

  17. My daughter never allows her kids to have any toy that represents a weapon but it looks like your kids are having innocent fun.

    abcw team

  18. Well your little Burritos got some nifty gifts.
    Poor Bolt though...

  19. Hope Bolt survives the trauma

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team


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