Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Counting Coins

Teaching your children how to save money at an early  age is a great thing.  They would learn how to value money and what factors does it contribute to an everyday  living.  We have piggy banks at home that my Burritos used to  stash coins.  When we go to the store and they "want" to buy something, I always ask them "Do you really need it?"  Then if they say that they don't the amount of the money that they want to spend gets to go to their piggy bank when we comes home.
At the end of the year, they count their coins, their cash gifts received, and the money they earned for our rewards system at home and decide whether they   put it in the bank or buy a big thing they want.   It always  ended  depositing it in their savings  bank, their "Adult Money".

Last year, they accumulated over $200 each so that was  added to their  savings account.  This  practice not only teaches kids how to save and value money but they also apply their Mathematics skills  at home.
ABC Wednesday


  1. great lesson in COUNTING, too!
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  2. This iv very important. Today kids are not realizing the value of money.

  3. Terrific lessons that will reap huge rewards later in life.
    Good for you.

  4. it's great to teach kids how to save early on. my mom taught us how to save for the rainy day i never learned--i wish i listened to her.:p

  5. wow, you really are one great mom to have! my younger son has a piggy bank and is good at spending and saving wisely...my bigger kiddo and I have a lesson to talk about on money handling tonight, thanks for this reminder...kisses to your cuties :)

  6. i used to love to stack my penies when i was a kid

    cinderella limerick

  7. thanks fro dropping in! Thts a lota money .... way to go!!

  8. That 's a great way to count and handle money.!
    Good choice for "C".

  9. That's a unique way to save money. I'm sure they will appreciate it when they are on their own.

  10. Hope for you it will still work when they are teenagers ! there comes the day where they need EVERYTHING, lol !

  11. A good habit to develop and keep.

  12. That is such a smart thing to do! And looks like they're having a great time while learning:) Lovely C post.

  13. What a great C! Ipmortant things to learn the children:-) Great post

  14. Looks like he is enjoying the count. Looks like a lesson well learned.


  15. I agree that's a good practice :-)

  16. That is a cool way to teach kids values...

  17. congrats Rose for teaching good values to your kids, I'm sure when they grow up they will pass it on to their children and to the next generation, great job!

  18. I agree, great lesson in counting! My Triz has an electronic coin bank and she is saving every penny for a project in Philippines on our next homecoming.

  19. these days, with less children, parents have more to spend on them, U r giving your kids a good math lessons.

  20. Hihi. What a practical way to tech y our kid the value of money. Wow. and they choose to deposit it to their "Adult Money" instead of buying expensive things. Good for you and them!

  21. kids learning to save money really means alot ever since the old days, specially now that money is everything in a sense though....

    it's really great when kids learn to appreciate the essence of saving.. :)


  22. Good for them, at their young age they know already how to value money .. Kyla has piggy bank as well just earlier she said that its too heavy already :)

  23. Hubby and I talked about this before, and here soon, kids will start saving for their "future".. Hehehe.. We got a piigy bank for free from the hospital when I gave birth to our youngest.. Doon nag-umpisa yung thought na dapat talaga turuan silang mag-ipon at i-value ang pera.. Sabi nga din nya, we'll have to teach our kids how to earn and save.. Na dapat daw minsan, pag may gusto sila, they have to earn it.. Para alam nila ang value ng mga bagay at di lahat nakukuha lang agad dahil gusto nila..

    I used to save, too when I was a kid.. Para pag may gusto ako, yun gagamitin ko.. Pag kinulang, saka lang ako bibigyan.. =)

  24. What a great choice for C! That is a lot of coins to count and roll! What a wonderful learning experience for your children.

  25. great job to the two kids! it's really great to save. i'm the one who keeps the money of the kids. when someone gives them money, they automatically hand it over to me. i hope someday even when they're older they'll still do that, haha.

  26. Great idea. I am glad it is working out so well. Most of the time I raised my four by myself so money was very tight and I had all I could do to feed and clothe them; saving was not and still isn't an option, but I commend you in being able to instill that in your children. It is so valuable. They will be rewarded for their wise money management.

  27. Those are great ideas. Imma try to apply that to my younger siblings. ♥


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