Saturday, October 8, 2011

Panning for Gold

The weather was very good today so we went to the pumpkin farm.  The kids  had so much  fun and one of the  activities that my daughter did is panning for gold where you can get gemstones, minerals, and rare specimen from around the world.  Too bad, she did not find any    pearls at all hehehe.   It cost $5  to do it and you get different kinds of gems, not much though.


  1. This is a good experience for her to learn the old fashion and yet not so old fashion method at panning for gold, just some of the styles of pans has changed but not by far all of that much, some of the local Rock clubs takes pride at panning for gold. My older brother used to be a full time member of the San Diego Lapidary Society and I often used to go on such field trips myself.

    I can imagine her little eyes sparkle all up each time she was able to pick out a pretty stone.

  2. With the expression in Rylie's face, you would think she was really panning for gold in a gold mine. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  3. lol, hehehe, what a luck it might be to find real gold somewhere.


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