Friday, October 7, 2011

Do You Think You can Dance?

Mr. Burrito loves to dance at home but he refuses to be enrolled to a dance studio. Last week, there was a free 45-minute lesson to one of the dancing school here in our area and we let our daughter tried to know if she like it more than the one where she is currently enrolled.  
Parents are not allowed to see the   students while dancing so me and Mr. Burrito went at the back of the studio where there is a hill. We busied ourselves back there.  Mr. Burrito  threw some rocks down the hill and I took some photos.
Ms. Burrito  liked it there but when the  owner handed us the rules, oh man, there were so many rules.  What I don't like is you don't get to see  your child practice dancing or you don't get to see them  in session.  You are also not allowed to take videos or photos during their performance.  So we are staying  on the current one.
So, do you think you can dance?  No,  can't, my feet are both left when it comes to dancing lol.


  1. Thanks a lot for visiting. Take care always!

  2. New follower from the Thursday hop!

  3. new follower via twitter (@ilovebeahraven) from the blog hop

  4. new follower via gfc. great blog! Id love a follow back.

  5. That takes all the fun out of it, you can't aee your child? I think for as much time and effort as parents put in, they should be allowed to enjoy these moments too!

    Found your blog at bassgiraffe, following you! Hope you have a moment to drop by Happy Hour Projects!


  6. now ko lang napansin ang new layout ng blog mo, a wider post space and nice font!

    btw, I can dance too with no audience, it's my everyday exercise...err not everyday.. :P

  7. That seems very strange that you are not allowed to watch the kids practice, I don't think I would use that studio either. Congrats on the spotlight today on the Thrusday hop over at bassgiraffe, great midweek surprise. I am a new follower and looking forward to reading more of your blog. :)

  8. Hi there
    Nice blog you have here. I am a new follower via GFC. Would love for you to come and visit me.
    Thanks and have a great day.

  9. Boys don't always want to go to dancing school. Maybe ask him again in a year or two, but be prepared to get the same answer.
    I'm like you, two left feet, LOL.

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

  10. I don't think it is right to not see the kids dance. What they should do is put in a big window, the kind that you can see through but the kids can't see you. Thank you for coming by.

  11. Hi Margaret, that's exactly our concern. They don't have a big window so or any window for that matter and worst was the fact that we are not allowed to take photos. I don't want that because I love taking pictures of my kids even on ordinary days.

  12. It is a shame they will not let you watch the kids dancing. I wonder why. I love your sky shots, very pretty.

  13. I love how the sun is peeking through the trees. :)

  14. I think all of you can dance including John. But it is better for Rylie to take dance lessons from the professionals so that she can learn more. EJ may follow later on. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  15. Salamat sa boost of confidence Kuya, nakakasayaw naman ako kaya lang yung mga formal dances eh ala akong alam hahaha.

  16. Nope I can't dance either. But my husband do. hehehe


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