Saturday, October 8, 2011

Role Modeling

When I was growing up, we live in a farm where there's a lot of guava trees. Every time we goes home from school, I would always climb in my favorite guava tree and picked some ripe ones.
I feel bad that my kids  don't enjoy that kind of things very often.  We let them experience  it though every chance they get.

"Role Modeling is the most basic responsibility of parents.  They are handing life's scripts to their children, scripts that in all likelihood will be acted out for much of the rest of the children's lives."
Stephen R. Covey.


  1. Sometimes we forget what we are's good to be reminded !
    Happy Pink Saturday

  2. You can say that again Francie. Thanks for visiting.

  3. ako din mahilig umakyat sa puno ng bayabas hehehe.. ang ganda ng pics nyo Rose hehe

  4. I agree with you on the bonding between parents and children.

  5. It is a good reminder that we are the role models for our children as well as our grandchildren....
    Your daughter is a cutie!

  6. sayang walang bayabas naman I climbed on our mango tree...mommy moments!

  7. Same here ate Rose., lagi din ako sa itaas ng bayabas., sa bomba kasing iniigiban namin eh may puno ng bayabas so laging nasa taas bago or pagtapos mgbomba ng tubig., haha

  8. Lovely post about keeping childhood alive--yours and your dear children. thanks for sharing, Rose!

  9. Wonderful to see your daughter climbing a tree. We had several fruit trees in our yard when I was a child, and we spent almost as much time up in the trees as we did on the ground, and our friends did the same. Climbing trees was an important part of childhood.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  10. Happy pinkness...Happy Autumn....I am so excited for Fall, I know you are too !!It just makes me want to cozy up...enjoy your week-end!
    God Bless You

  11. Back in my young days, climbing trees was part of our fun. We did not have things children have today.

  12. "Rose's Obstacles and Glories" has been included in this weeks A Sunday Drive. I hope this helps to attract even more new visitors here.

  13. I like the shadows on the glove in the tree!

  14. It's hard for kids in America to learn to climb trees because they are not brought up that way. Kids here in the provinces normally are adept tree climbers. I, being born in the city, also do not know how to climb trees unlike my cousins in the province. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  15. Ako hindi ko to natutunan though mga friends ko eh akyatan lagi sa mga trees .. Good bonding din ito for you and your kids =)

  16. visiting you sis...:) hope all is well...miss yah!

  17. Thank you for stopping by! So true about being role models. Glad you could have that tree experience with your daughter!

  18. Love the post.. I have a big tree in back yard that all my kids and granchildren have climbed to sit on the special branch that is straight like a bench . Thanks for the visit.. Elaine


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