Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Our weekend was a busy one.  We visited my brother-in-law who has been battling with cancer since last Thanksgiving.  We were so surprised to learn that his doctor  has decided  to stop  his chemo treatment.  According to my BIL, the doctor told him that if the chemo will be continued, it will just make it worse and shorten his life to three months.  The doctor then told him to enjoy his remaining time of 6-9 months.

It's a devastating  revelation for all of us because  the doctor told us before that everything was  great after his surgery, that the remaining  cancer spots in his liver  can just be treated with chemo.  The doctor just  pulled out  that remaining HOPE we all have for my BIL.  My SIL made some calls and she was able to  contact American Cancer Society.  They have an appointment sometime this month and we are all hoping and praying that  there still hope and chance for my BIL to recover this battle.
 The kids were so sad upon learning the news, they  both love Uncle Dave and the thought that  his days are  getting short makes them so sad. 
 My husband's  theory about it is that, maybe my BIL has maxed out his insurance already that they would no longer pay for any treatment.  We are praying for a MIRACLE to happen, we all hope that my BIL would still be given a chance  and get cured  by this new doctor that will examine him.
Please include my BIL in your prayer, thank you so much!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. This saddened me Mommy Rose since two years ago my youngest step-daughter died of cancer too. Your BIL is always in my prayer. ^_^

    Autumn Colors

  3. So sorry to hear your family struggle, I will keep him in my prayers in hopes he will have a second chance with his treatments.

  4. I am terribly sorry about your BIL. I hope they do something else and that they find cure. I'll offer some prayers for him..Christine

  5. Our God is a God of miracles and nothing is impossible with Him. I am praying for the divine healing of your BIL. By the stripes of Jesus he is healed. Amen. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  6. It's sad reading the story about ur BIL, let's just hope for a miracle and its nice that everyone is supporting him in this battle.

  7. Sometimes the chemo is worse than the disease.

    Happy Blue Monday to you, Rose!

  8. this is so sad sis! will include in our prayers..

  9. prayers for your BIL .. Trust our God and miracle is possible.

  10. so sorry to hear abour your BIL sis...my gosh, it is hard to think about it lalo na pag may taning na buhay mo ano...for sure makakasama nyo pa sya sa pasko.

  11. A sad post but clearly your BIL is a battler! And in that way your post is inspiring! Wishing your family inner strength!

  12. Keeping your BIL in my prayers.

  13. ang payat na nya Rose no?..Sana humaba-haba pa ang buhay nya at hindi yong 6 to 9 months, eh wala na sya... 6 to 9 years, mas okay pa yon...

  14. sorry to hear that sis! we'll be praying for his healing! hugs!

  15. I will include your family in my prayers and hope that there is more time.

  16. Hoping for that miracle and all best wishes to your BIL...

    M is for...

  17. That's very difficult news for a family to hear! I hope your family can spend a lot of quality time with Uncle Dave - more now that ever!
    Blessings to you and yours

  18. Prayers for Bil and all his family ~ are on their way. not easy ~ hardest part of life ~ hugs and namaste, Carol (A Creative Harbor) from RT ~

  19. best to your BIL.
    The problem, of course, is that the treatment is almost as bad as the disease, as my friend who discovered breast cancer this year mentioned.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  20. Sending prayers for comfort and strength to you and yours. I hope you get your miracle.

  21. Oh dear, I am sorry to hear about your BIL yotch. I know how hard it is to see your loved one suffering, slowly. Must give him the joys, faith and prayers of his life now and mind you, he might survive for more months or even years than what the doctor said.

  22. Dearest Rose, there is always hope. Bernie Siegel has written so many stories of remarkable and unexpected recoveries.


    You and your BIL are in my thoughts and prayers.

    And thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog.

    - Square Peg Guy.

  23. my aunt died cos of cancer few weeks ago. i hope your brother in law will have longer life..visiting from RT

  24. This is a sad news and I will include your BIL in my prayers.

  25. many, many prayers sent his and your family's way!

  26. Will be praying for a miracle,Rose. Miracles do happen, we just have to believe. I hold on tight to that thought, I can't let go of that thought because I have friends also who are in the same situation. Will be praying for your BIL, sis!

  27. Praying for a miracle too,

    XOXO Lola:)

  28. Sending prayers from here...



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