Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Heart Rocks!

As we were waiting outside for the   group of men to pour the cement at our porch, Ms. Burrito gather  some rocks from the  material that the construction team have left in the yard.  She formed  a heart out of it.
She was gonna fill it up but then the men started working so we have to move away.  Your heart rocks Ms. Burrito!  Connect with us with your favorite color every Friday!  


Thanks for the comments and visits  friends!


  1. Do you think, I should have titled it Rock of Love? Lol, just curious! Thanks for visiting.

  2. Great job with the Heart. It is so great that she has such a good imagination. Also that it is aimed at something nice.

  3. Hey Rose! Long time no see huh? Babies are looking great. See how much they have I thought that I would drop by to see how you were doing. Give me a holler sometime. Amanda

  4. wow, galing ni RY.. wa absent uli ako sa mga meme.. kaloka ang skeds.. hehe :) was here Rose :)

  5. This is so wonderful! Lovely pictures and what an awesome message!
    I am happy to pass on the Versatile Blogger award to you.The details are on my Blog. Take care and have a good weekend.

  6. This is so wonderful! Lovely pictures and what an awesome message!
    I am happy to pass on the Versatile Blogger award to you.The details are on my Blog. Take care and have a good weekend.

  7. great job Rye,...cute nang heart....:)

  8. Be thankful you have a darling little girl with a big heart.

  9. I am grateful I have kids like them and I thank God everyday for that!

  10. Your kids are adorable, and here we see learning as play. What can one do about learning while playing - yet, at play her imagination takes us from a pile of rocks to an artist designing a heart. Awesome, she learns and plays at the same time!

  11. ms burrito really do have lots of activities under her sleeve. di nauubasan ng creative thoughts:) keep it up pretty lady.

  12. My heart is with you rylie hhehe. Good job!

  13. I love how kids can be so creative. Adorable kiddies! :)

  14. That's a great heart shaped rocks that Rylie and EJ made. The construction of the porch in your house has taken so long. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  15. awww, that is so cute. Your porch is still under construction? It has been a couple months already right? One of our friends just built her porch, like two sides of her house has it and a pro told them that they will spend $15,000 for it but then they consulted Amish guys to do it and they said they can build it for $4,000. Oh my, they finished it in a week because the father and 3 sons helped in building it.


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