Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Birthday!

My baby brother turned 20 years old a couple of days ago. I miss you Nick, Hope I am there and be with you guys.  May God bless you with good heath and good life all through out.  When I left home  five years ago, he was so small like a kid (photo below) but when I came back last year, he was so tall and  big (second photo).
Looking at this photo makes me miss my family, our place, ahhh am being nostlagic lol.
My mentor in blogging, Malou of The Journey is celebrating her special day today.  Thanks dearest for introducing me to this wonderful  world of blogland.  If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't know blogging  and won't meet good friends online.  I owe you this enjoyment bru!
Dena E of Dream Doodlers blog is also celebrating her birthday today.  Thanks Dena for always sharing us the  good news from the Bible.
Myspace Birthday Wishes


  1. Im flattered bru thanks for posting this happy birthday also to your brother. take care and give my regards to your family :-)

  2. Im flattered bru thanks for posting this happy birthday also to your brother. take care and give my regards to your family :-)

  3. Happy Birthday to your brother Nick and to Malou too. May they both have many more blessed and abundant birthdays to come. Of course you will be missing your life with your family in the Philippines. Who would not if you are living in a faraway land? Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  4. Wow I am very touched Sweetie,,, what an honor to be thought of this way by someone so wonderfukl as you.. You have made my heart smile tonight and I thank you..
    This helped in my celebration,, if you can cerlebrate being 53 ;0)
    My Hubb's and I were soooo busy that it just was a regular day,, we always have our Grand kids after school on Mondays and work in our office,, so thats just what we did.. Naturally the note from you was all the more special because it came from your heart and I sure needed a smile tonight!!!
    Happy Blue Monday Sweetie!!!
    Blessings from Heaven as you look to Him~~~Hugs Dena

  5. And Oh my Gosh,, HAPPY BIRTHDAY To Nick and Malou too !!!!
    Hugssssssssssssssssss Dena

  6. weeee, ikaw ba yung nasa first pic, ang pretty mo and so young in the pic.. happy birthday sa lahat ng celebrants!!

  7. ang laki talaga nang pinagbago sis ano...look at him now...ang tangkad...ako sa amin 5...ako lang ang pinakamaliit...hehehhe...unano!

    happy birthday!!!

  8. Happy Birthday!!

    I'm your newest follower. Come stop byPunky Monkeys, maybe you will want to follow back?!??!

    Have a great day!

  9. Happy Birthday (or rather belated). Hope they all had nice days yesterday.

  10. belated happy birthday sa bro mo. tlg mga october celebrants e mga gwapo at magaganda, ehem, ehem:)

  11. Happy birthday to your lil bro and Dena.


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