Friday, October 29, 2010

Progress Report

As I have mentioned on my previous post on my other blog, our daughter had a satisfactory rating in all fields so that was a big relief for me. I am actually very proud of her because even though she did not attend pre-school, she is doing pretty well.  She can now read  sentence with three to five words in it.
For the whole month of September, she  received green light.

Last week, the school  sent  a permission letter for a physical check up to each student.  I was bummed out when the result came because her BMI is only 15 and according to their standard, our daughter is underweight.  How could that be though?  Just a couple of months ago, she also had a complete physical check up from the doctor and the result say that she is healthy.  Hmmnnn.  Our daughter love veggies and fruits and that could be one factor why her body mass index is low.
The photo below was taken at our back patio, we were laying down on top of their sandbox and watching the sky.  Have a great week ahead everyone.


  1. wow, very good Ry.... way to go.. mas mahirap next year.. mas ma stress si agi pud ko diri Rose..

  2. Way to go rye, good job mommy badingding.

  3. hi rose! i dont think rylie s underweight at all! she looks healthy. as long as you see her being active and strong, okay siya in my book. i guess, yung standards ng school when it comes to weight ay yung patterned after the average weight ng caucasian kids who are usually big-bined. baka she took after you lang sa katawan. o di ba, nice? :)

    congrats by the way on her high marks!

  4. way to go, rylie! ur making ur mom, GRIN BIG:)))

  5. galing ni Rylie mommy! :D congratulations.. dont worry about the BMI, baka pang Americans ang ginagamit nilang pang measure :D heheheh di ba half pinay si Rylie?

  6. Yay!!!!Sky-watching!!!!btw, congrats to Rylie :D

  7. wow, galing galing naman ni rye!!! congrats to both of you, to Rye for being so smart and to you, you're doing a great job!

  8. i won!

    please grab my badge from :)

  9. you were blessed with such a smart kids =)

  10. hahhaha...agree ako kay Mama Mia golly, Rye looks healthy!

    way to go Rye...congrats sis...super duper galing mo kasing titser kaya no wonder Rye is doing awesome at school...:)

    woi sis, sali ka sa CSN giveaway contest ko ha....$32 bucks worth of GC lang naman...ehehhehe....oks na din!

    sige, labadami me muna...manic lunes ko eh...mwah!

  11. Oh that is sweet! What a hard little cheerful worker she is!

  12. It's wonderful that Rylie got satisfactory ratings at school. She will even improve at that. I don't think Rylie is underweight, she is very healthy. Americans are by nature bigger and bulkier and they may be using that American standard. You and Rylie have a wonderful photo in this post. Pareho kayong guwapa. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  13. Nice performance Rylie... BMI is one way to determine whether we are at the normal weight for our height. My daughter is also underweight but she looks ok... I know time will come they will be in the normal curve.

  14. Thanks for your comment :-)
    About the result of your daughter:
    In Denmark we say: "The apple rarely falls far from the tree!"


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