Friday, October 29, 2010

Rain Storm

We had a pretty hard rain storm yesterday. We were still at my father-in-law's house when the heavy rain poured. The electric power was going on and off while the thunder and lightning are roaring. I've visited a blog today that shows a picture of the first snow fall, wow, that early? I believe it was in Wyoming.


  1. Akala ko dito lang sa Pinas may heavy rain at this time of the year, dyan din pala 'no? I hope it's not as destructive as what we usually have here.

    Thanks for coming by Rose! See you again soon! Take care!

  2. The sky looks very gloomy. I could imagine how much rain you've got! Happy weekend!
    The sky

  3. Does look stormy! Nothing like those grumpy, gray skies! Great captures for the day, Rose! Hope you have a lovely, sunny weekend! Happy SWF!


  4. I like rain storms and you captured a beautiful one.

  5. It was also raining very hard here...
    You've captured it so well, Rose

  6. Great captures of the stormy skies.We don't have rain lately. Our days now are getting warmer. Can't wait our summer season.

  7. It's been raining here lately as well.

    Thanks for visiting my SkyWatchFriday

  8. The clouds look heavy...ready to pour? I hope not.

    Take care!

  9. GA could use a good rainstorm these days! I love clouds and watching the sky. Do not want to think about cold weather and/or snow yet.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day!

  10. Even though stormy it looks great. Nice shots.

  11. hi sis rose! another great post from you! kala ko dito lang sa pinas nangyayari yan. diyan din pala. i just hope that the rains here lately won't ever become another "ondoy" catastrophe. did u know na binaha house namin? oh well...

    anyway, i just wanted to inform you sana that I have awarded you with the VERSATILE BLOGGER AWARD! kasi you are very nice to me and you always make it a point to visit my blogs & comment. I feel we are "blogger kumares" talaga.

    hope you can drop by my site again to pick up the badge when you have time. i know you're probably busy pero only when you have time lang okay? unahin ang pamilya :)

    anyway, when you do have’s the direct link:

    kulit ba? hehehe...looking forward to reading more posts from you. Godspeed! :)

  12. ganda nang kuha mo sis....:)

    nako dito parang nasanay na ako...ang weather kasi dito eh parang sa weather lang...nyahahaha...joke! unpredictable ang weather dito sis...uulan lang nang bigla....:)

    san pala kau this weekend? ingat...mwah!

  13. These lovely photos of a brooding sky make me think its time to open my umbrella!

  14. Wow, that was some rainstorm. If there was already an early snow in some parts of the US, this could mean another severe winter condition in the US this winter. I just hope you can all cope with whatever weather will prevail come winter time. We are still in the rainy season here and we are anticipating a severe storm like typhoon Ondoy last year. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.


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