Friday, October 29, 2010

Jump Shots

Hey there everyone, it's time to have fun with Mommy Moment's theme this week. Jump shot is very hard to catch especially if you have a slow camera like me lol. But if you have high reso and fast camera, you will get the perfect jump shot that you want. Here's our share.  Here's EJ jumping on the trampoline.
Here's me when we visited my husband's Aunt down in  New Milton West Virginia.  Hubby took this picture.
Here's Rylie's attempt.
Goodnight everyone, Lady Red is bugging me with her partner, dysmenorrhea wahh.


  1. i'm jumping over here sis.. =)
    panalo ang second pic ni Rylie, galing ng jump shot.
    sana try din ako, di ko lang kaya, i'm too heavy to jump haha..

  2. Thanks for jumping over sis lol, first attempt ko yan to jump lol..

  3. I wish I can jump like that..super shy ako...:-)

    Happy Mommy Moments!

  4. awwww...bongga yung jump mo sis....have never tried that action before...ehehehe!

  5. I love jump shots :) I hope I could jump high to capture a perfect one :D

  6. buy kana dslr Rose ...hehehe.... so cute.. ang lawak naman ang lugar niyo..

  7. hay life...mahaba na sana yung comment ko...nagka "service error" ang!

    andito ulit badingding...natatawa ako sa comment mo about sa mga pinay na madami jewels...ehehehe!

    ako mahilig ako sa alahas pero d ko naman sinusuot lahat...yung ibang pinay kasi na nakikita ko dito is pinagasbay sabay sinuot yung lahat nang!

  8. that second shot is great!!!

  9. I love your jump shot, Mommy! Graceful! I hope my son can experience a trampoline jump shot, too! Good try, Rylie!

  10. your husband captured your jump perfectly girl hehehe

  11. haven't tried jumping shots pero jump pa rin ako dito^_^Nice jumps!!

    Have a blessed weekend to you and your family dear!

  12. nice jumpshot!!! mukhang ang saya saya nya habang tumatalon =P

    here's mine -

  13. When I saw the title of the post which was jump shot, all along I thought that what you meant was a shot in basketball called jump shot. As I read the post, I realized that what you meant was taking a picture of your kids jumping, lol. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  14. wow! nice jump shot! i like the second picture most of all... and that's a nice place you got there, lol!

  15. galing ng jump shots mo :D bravo!

  16. hehehe ang badingding layo ng inadjust na oras hehehehe. tinatamad na siguro ito mag interim. laki na ni baby gracie


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