Saturday, March 18, 2017

Honoring a WW2 Veteran with 21 Gun Salute

As I have mentioned in my last post, we visited my FIL on President's Day and we noticed that he was very skinny already and he  didn't really want to  talk.  He didn't even want to  do anything.  By then, we knew that something was  wrong.  A week after that, he was rushed to the  emergency at Trinity hospital.   The doctor said that he   had a flu then a  a sepsis, a life-threatening complication of an infection. .  Sepsis occurs when chemicals released in the bloodstream to fight an infection trigger inflammation throughout the body. This can cause a cascade of changes that damage multiple organ systems, leading them to fail.  He stayed there for  over a week, he got better, he even  got up one time and said " Get me out of here".  I think that was his way of saying  that he is ready to go because  after that, his internal organs started to shut down.

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On March 10th, I was attending a school mass at church and I had this feeling of uneasiness. When the mass was over, I was very surprised to see my husband outside the church. He said that he got a message from his niece that Dad's condition turned for the worse.  He was transferred to the hospice.   He passed away the next day (March 11th).  It was hard saying goodbye to him because he was a great father to his kids, a great grandpa to his grand kids, and a great  FIL.  However it was a relief that his sufferings has finally ended. He lived a long  but  wonderful life.

My FIL, Jennings worked for Weirton Steel for 35 years. He proudly served in the United States Army, where he received a bronze star.  World War 2 veterans is slowly thinning out.  Not many of them are still alive.  He was honored with a 21-gun salute during his  burial.  
I have never seen my husband   get so emotional with anything so it was  humbling to see him grieved for his Dad.  Even though we  kind of expected my FIL's passing, it was still very hard for all of us.  I guess, when a person that dies have touched so many lives during his lifetime, it's hard to let go.  
The funeral services was  done by Greco-Hertnick.  The viewing was March 14th and he was laid to rest  on March 15th at Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens.
Relatives and friends from  nearby states came to give their last respect  to him.  Funerals is always a sad time but most of the times, you get to see  family and friends that you haven't seen for a long time.  
Dad's younger sister  sister from Ohio was really heartbroken.  They were very close.

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I am so glad that before my PC crashed, I was able to upload these photos because now, I can't access my documents.  This computer won't even read my camera chip anymore.  I was able to fix some issue and able to use it to post but I still can't access my documents. I am not a very techy person so I don't like when this happens. I have to figure out how to access my documents again because I have so many photos and videos that I need to back up and save to a portable drive. I should have not put it aside but that's what happens when you exercise mañana habit.


  1. That is lovely. My uncle, who was a vet, passed away last year and I loved that the vets came out and did a ceremony at the funeral for him.

  2. I am incredibly sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you during this time. He sounds like he was a wonderful man.
    ANd on a side note - my computer is on the fritz too and won't read my camera chip too for some reason. We have pictures stuck on there that we couldn't get off but we brought it to a photography place and had them retrieve them and put them on a stick and then print them too. xoxox

  3. Very sorry for your loss. There are not many WWII veterans left to honor. Thank them for their service as I do all the veterans who have served this country.

  4. I'm sorry that he has passed. It is wonderful that he received a 21 gun salute too.

  5. This is a very touching story and gave me chills. I'm so sorry for loss and glad that your FIL got the recognition he deserves.

  6. I have only been to one military funeral with a 21 gun salute and it was extremely emotional. A feeling I will never forget.

  7. I'm so sorry for your loss. My father in law passed 2 years ago and he was a WWII veteran. It is so amazing to see them honored, but so sad that there aren't many vets left.

  8. I am so sorry for your loss. Grief is one of the toughest things to go through. I have never been at a military funeral.

  9. I am so sorry for your loss. It looks like a beautiful funeral that recognized your father in law for all he did.

  10. I'm so sorry for your loss. I bet the 21 gun salute was really touching and very fitting for a WW2 veteran.

  11. Sorry to hear about your Father in law. It shard to lose someone so close, but good that you had time to say goodbye. Sounds like the funeral was planned out nicely.

  12. I am so sorry for you loss, I can imagine this has been a difficult time for your husband and for your family.

  13. Going to a funeral is such a difficult time. I remember having to go for my brother-in-law who was only 22 when he passed. It was so hard for all of the family to wrap their head around, even though they knew for the last 8 months of his life that he was dying. It was just sad.

  14. I am so sorry for you loss. It is heart warming to know that a wonderful man was recognized with such a celebration of his life.

  15. I am sorry to hear of your loss. Looks like it was a very lovely service.

  16. I am so sorry for your loss. Your father in law lived a full life, and he deserves all the honor. He will be missed, but I hope you find comfort that he is now with God.

  17. I am so sorry for your loss, prayers for you and your family. You FIL definitely received an honorable funeral filled with love from his family.

  18. My apologies for your loss. Look like an intimate moment with this funeral but I appreciate that he was able to get sent off with honors.

  19. Omg! I am so sorry for your Father in-law's loss Sis. May his soul rest in peace. Please accept our condolences from family.


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