Tuesday, February 21, 2017

President's Day Visit to my FIL at Gables Care Center

Our  children and my husband were all  off  on President's day so we all went  to Gables Care Center where my father-in-law is being taken care of.  The old folks have just got done  eating lunch when we got there so  we were  glad to  see  my FIL awake, however, he was already dozing off.  I think he was given   his medicine  after he ate so  he was falling asleep as we were talking to him.  He didn't talk very much, we let him take  a nap.
 We noticed that Dad lost some weight since our last visit.   I feel bad  for my father-in-law.  I know that he is well taken care of in that facility but it's hard that we  only get to see him once in a while. I don't know why but I feel  this overwhelming  feeling of depression whenever we are  at a seniors' facility.  Looking at  the old people  that seem miserable makes me depressed.  I can't help but think of  a future  scenario for me and my husband.  I hope that when it is time for us to go,  we can go peacefully so  we won't be a burden to anybody.  
Before we left, my daughter played some songs  at the piano for  some of the old people in the lobby.  One of the nurses there gave us a picture of Dad  and his valentine date on Valentine's day.  Another nurse approached me and asked if I am a Filipino.  She wanted to know because  she is half Filipino  and she said that she seldom see Filipino at that facility.  She  talked to us for a little while and she told us that she knows  my  FIL.  They all call him Pap.  
It was a short visit with Dad but glad to see him again.   We didn't get to talk to him a lot  but  just to see him is enough.  We  will have to go back there again  when we get a chance.  I just wish he is near  us so we can visit often.

That was the last time we visited him at Gables.  He was rushed to the hospital on March 1st.  The doctor said that  he  had a flu then it became a sepsis.  He was treated at Trinity for it and he got better.  He was supposed to go back to Gables last week but  the doctor found out that his  internal organs were shutting down.  We all went at the hospital   last Friday because the doctor said that he won't last  very long.  He got transferred to the hospice that night and then he died  last Saturday.  I know that we have anticipated it is going to happen but it is  a tough situation.  Losing someone who touched so many lives is hard.  We will forever cherished all the great memories we had with him.  Rest in peace now Dad.


  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm glad you got to go be with him in the home before his health took a turn though. Thoughts and prayers to you and yours.

  2. I am SO sorry to hear about your Father in law! It is SO hard to see people you love sick or dying! We will be praying for you!

  3. I am so sorry for your loss. It is so hard to be so far from our loved ones. It is nice that your Daughter played the piano for some of the folks there.

  4. Very sweet that you all went out to visit him. I know it's hard to see our loved ones in not-so tip-top shape but you all have big hearts for making that visit!

  5. Oh I'm so sorry to hear this story, but I'm glad that you are still tough and keot the faith. Prayers sending to you.

  6. It's true losing someone who touch many lives is really hard to accept, but we need to keep going. Sending virtual kisses and hugs to you and your family.

  7. I'm so sorry for your loss. You did blog about him a few times and I noticed that he lost a considerable amount of weight in the photos above. May he Rest In Peace.

  8. I'm so sorry for your loss. Even when a loved one is sick, I don't think we can ever really be prepared for their loss.

  9. Oh I'm so sorry to hear about your loss - it sounds like he was an amazing man. Praying for your family during this difficult time!

  10. I am so sorry for your loss. It is so hard watching them go downhill and be in a facility. Your FIL was well loved and you have some great memories of him on your blog. I will be thinking about you and your family.

  11. sorry for your loss, I know it can be hard to lose someone dear... but he is in a loving place now and is and will always be with you in spirit! Take care!

  12. I am so sorry that he passed away, but it is wonderful that you got to visit him. Cherish the memories.

  13. Condolence to the Cottrills family. I'm sure he is in a better place now and may he will rest in peace. Reminds me when my FIL died. It's sad but he lived a long good life.

  14. I am so sorry for your loss. I was supposed to ask if this was the grandpa you were pertaining to in your IG and then I read the update. I know he is at peace with the Lord. He looks so kind.

  15. I'm so sorry for your loss, its hard to lose someone you love. It's nice that you were able to visit him recently.

  16. So sorry for your loss. I know its hard but at least you were able to see him recently.

  17. This post makes me really sad but it also reminds me how important it is to make the most of each moment. So sorry for your loss.

  18. I am sorry to hear about what happened to him. I felt sad too for old people. My dad passed away already and my mom is growing older and older every day. She has been also experiencing health problems and she really does not want to drink medicines at all. By the way, I am also a Filipino. It is nice to meet you here.

  19. Our condolences to your family. It's definitely hard to lose a loved one. My husband's mom died in a hospice too, just a few months before I arrived. Would have loved to meet her.

  20. It's very hard to see loved ones waste away. As much as I miss my dad and his sudden death was unbearable, I think I prefer that I have only memories of him physically active and mentally strong right up until the minute he died.


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